David Blue

The student project that eventually became Google—a “crawler” that would ingest documents and rank them for relevance against a user’s query—was actually conceived as part of an effort “to develop the enabling technologies for a single, integrated and universal digital library.”

This wee truth of Google’s origin story - which I did not know - is going to weigh on me for who knows how long.

Auto-generated description: A series of progressively smaller, digitally manipulated smartphones with identical home screens are displayed.

The three genders.

An Intimate Conversation with my iPhone 4S

An intimate conversation with - and using - my iPhone 4S demonstrating the losslessest possible audio capture example.


Contact Album Art Grid

Just a reminder that I continue to put all of my music curatiorial energy into a single discovery playlist, basically, which is designed to make … contact.

Reminders for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Shortcut
New Reminder ⌘-N
New List ⇧-⌘-N
Indent reminder ⌘-]
Outdent reminder ⌘-[
Show all subtasks ⌘-E
Hide all subtasks ⇧-⌘-E
Flag reminder ⇧-⌘-F
Show info ⌘-I
Hide or show sidebar ⌥-⌘-S
Mark a reminder completed or incomplete ⇧-⌘-C
Show or hide completed reminders ⇧-⌘-H
Edit tags ⇧-⌘-T
Delete tag Delete
Set reminder as due today ⌘-T
Set reminder as due tomorrow ⌥-⌘-T
Set all overdue reminders as due today ^-⌘-T
Set reminder as due this weekendNote: If today is the day before this weekend, the reminder is set to next weekend. ⌘-K
Set reminder as due next week ⌥-⌘-K
Go to Today Smart List ⌘-1
Go to Scheduled Smart List ⌘-2
Go to All Smart List ⌘-3
Go to Flagged Smart List ⌘-4
Go to Assigned to Me Smart List ⌘-5
Enter or exit full screen ^-⌘-F
Close the Reminders window and quit the app ⌘-W
Quit Reminders ⌘-Q



  1. a community of people smaller than a village
    • Synonyms
      • crossroads
    • Less specific
      • community
  2. the hero of William Shakespeare’s tragedy who hoped to avenge the murder of his father
    • Is a
      • fictional character
      • fictitious character
      • character
  3. a settlement smaller than a town
    • Synonyms
      • village
    • Less specific
      • settlement
    • More specific
      • kampong
      • campong
      • kraal
      • pueblo
    • Examples
      • Cheddar
      • Sealyham
      • El Alamein
      • Jericho
      • Jamestown
      • Chancellorsville
      • Spotsylvania
      • Yorktown

hamlet - LookUp


  1. ɢᴇᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ a small settlement, generally one smaller than a village, and strictly (in Britain) one without a church the house is in a quiet hamlet overlooking open countryside

  2. a legendary prince of Denmark, hero of a tragedy by Shakespeare


Middle English : from Old French hamelet , diminutive of hamel little village ; related to home ( h ĂĄm in Old English )


A smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-1000 inhabitants, and little infrastructure.



  1. be inherent in something
    • Less specific
      • belong to
      • belong
    • Related
      • built-in
      • constitutional
      • inbuilt
      • inherent
      • integral
      • implicit in
      • inherent
      • underlying
      • inherence
      • inherency

inhere - LookUp


  1. ꜰᴏʀᴍᴀʟ exist essentially or permanently in the potential for change that inheres within the adult education world

ʟᴀᴡ (of rights, powers, etc.) be vested in a person or group or attached to the ownership of a property the rights inhering in the property they owned


mid 16th century (in the sense stick, cling to ): from Latin inhaerere stick to

Urban Dictionary

It is used to refer to something that exists to something else as an essential constituent.

The frog is alive and respiration is inherent to that fact.

currently being alphaed by my own fucking dictionary smh.

"Tumblr iOS Architecture" Deck from 2014

Combined Slide Deck



Snap.as Library

Chatgpt Helps Me Publish my First Pypi Package

Please feel free to rebuke the fuck outta me, but no… I’m 30 years old and still have yet to make it through a single one of those awesome list tutorials for Python that are so easy peasy for you digital lourds.

In what I imagine to be the manifestation of many a folk’s worst nightmare LLM scenario, I asked regular olĂŠ free Gee Pee Tee to help me do something I’ve aspired to do (though invested little effort in, obviously:) creating my first command line application, and found it to be immediately effective! Within the minutes that spanned the conversation below - following the heinous monstrosity’s instructions almost verbatim - I had actually published my first PyPi package!

pip install davodtime

Please note: the following is a conversation with an LLM.

Create Davodtime CLI


Please help me create a command line application (ideally, using a programming language/platform which will be supported on both my macOS-running machine and within the a-Shell app on my iPad) which returns outputs based on arguments I will specify.


To create a cross-platform command line application that works on both macOS and within the a-Shell app on your iPad, I recommend using Python. Python is a versatile and widely supported language that runs on both platforms without much modification.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Setup Python


I would like the application to be called davodtime and would ideally like to be able to install it so that I can simply call it with “davodtime.” Here are the functions and arguments I’d like it to perform:

  1. Input: davodtime utc returns the current UTC time in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss in the command line.

  2. Input: davodtiime (no arguments) defaults to returning the local system time in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

…and so on, with GMT and standard abbreviations for timezones supported as arguments.


Here’s how you can create the davodtime command line application using Python. This application will support the functionality you’ve described, and it will work on both macOS and within the a-Shell app on your iPad.

Step 1: Write the Python Script

Create a Python script called davodtime.py with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

def format_time(dt):
    return dt.strftime('%m%d%Y-%H%M%S')

def get_time_for_timezone(tz_name):
        tz = pytz.timezone(tz_name)
        return format_time(datetime.now(tz))
    except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
        return f"Unknown timezone: {tz_name}"

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        # No arguments, return local system time
        arg = sys.argv[1].lower()
        if arg == "utc":

if __name__ == "__main__":

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Since this script uses the pytz library to handle timezones, you’ll need to install it if it’s not already installed.

On macOS, you can install it via pip:

pip3 install pytz

In a-Shell, you can install it by running:

pip install pytz

Step 3: Make the Script Executable and Installable

To make the script executable and accessible as davodtime, follow these steps:

On macOS:

  1. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x /path/to/davodtime.py
  2. Move or link the script to a directory in your PATH:

    sudo ln -s /path/to/davodtime.py /usr/local/bin/davodtime

In a-Shell:

  1. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x /path/to/davodtime.py
  2. Create an alias in your shell profile: Add this line to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc (depending on your setup):

    alias davodtime='python3 /path/to/davodtime.py'

Step 4: Usage

This script will handle time conversion for most standard timezone abbreviations using the pytz library, and the output will always be in the MMddYYYY-HHmmss format.

Would you like any further modifications or explanations on this setup?


How would I publish the script to pypi.org?


Publishing your script to PyPI (Python Package Index) involves a few steps. Below is a guide to help you package your davodtime script and publish it to PyPI.

Step 1: Prepare Your Project Directory

  1. Create a project directory:

    mkdir davodtime
    cd davodtime
  2. Create the following structure:

    ├── davodtime/
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   └── main.py
    ├── setup.py
    ├── LICENSE
    └── README.md
  3. Move your script: Move your davodtime.py script to the davodtime directory and rename it to main.py.

  4. Create an __init__.py file: This file can be empty, but it’s necessary to make the davodtime directory a package.

Step 2: Write the setup.py File

The setup.py file is the script used to build and distribute your package. Here’s an example for davodtime:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

    author="Your Name",
    description="A command-line tool to display time in various formats.",
        "console_scripts": [
        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
        "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
        "Operating System :: OS Independent",

Step 3: Write a README.md File

Create a README.md file that describes your project. This will be displayed on the PyPI page for your package.

Step 4: Choose a License

Add a LICENSE file to your project directory. If you’re unsure, you might consider the MIT License. Here’s an example:

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2024 Your Name

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

... (complete text of MIT License)

Step 5: Build Your Package

Before uploading, you need to build your package. Ensure you have setuptools and wheel installed:

pip install setuptools wheel

Then, run the following command in your project directory:

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

This will create a dist/ directory containing the files necessary for distribution.

Step 6: Upload to PyPI

  1. Install twine: Twine is the recommended tool for uploading Python packages to PyPI.

    pip install twine
  2. Upload your package: Use Twine to upload your package to PyPI:

    twine upload dist/*

    You will be prompted for your PyPI username and password.

Step 7: Verify the Upload

After uploading, your package should be available at https://pypi.org/project/davodtime/. You can also install it via pip:

pip install davodtime

Additional Notes

This process will make your davodtime script easily installable and usable by others. Let me know if you need any more details or help!


Can you generate a comprehensive manpage for the script? Would that be included in the pypi dist?


Sure! I’ll help you create a comprehensive man page for your davodtime script. I’ll also explain how to include it in your PyPI distribution.

Step 1: Write the Man Page

Man pages are typically written in a format called troff or groff. Here’s an example davodtime.1 man page:

.TH DAVODTIME 1 "August 2024" "Version 0.1.0" "User Commands"

davodtime \- A command-line tool to display time in various formats.

.B davodtime
[\fButc\fR | \fIGMT\fR | \fITZ\fR]

.B davodtime
is a command-line utility that displays the current time in various time zones or formats.

.B utc
Displays the current UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

Any standard timezone abbreviation (e.g., GMT, PST, EST) can be provided as an argument to display the current time in that timezone, in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

If no arguments are provided, the local system time is displayed in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

.B davodtime
Displays the local system time.

.B davodtime utc
Displays the current time in UTC.

.B davodtime pst
Displays the current time in Pacific Standard Time.

Your Name <your.email@example.com>

This software is licensed under the MIT License.

.B date(1)

Step 2: Install the Man Page Locally

To install the man page locally on macOS, follow these steps:

  1. Create a directory for custom man pages (if it doesn’t already exist):

    mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1
  2. Copy the man page:

    cp davodtime.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/davodtime.1
  3. Update the man database (optional, usually not required on macOS):

    man -w
  4. View the man page:

    man davodtime

Step 3: Include the Man Page in Your PyPI Distribution

To include the man page in your PyPI distribution, you’ll need to adjust your setup.py and MANIFEST.in files.

3.1. Modify setup.py:

Update the setup.py to include the man page in your package data:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import os

def get_data_files():
    data_files = []
    if os.name == 'posix':
        data_files.append(('share/man/man1', ['davodtime.1']))
    return data_files

    author="Your Name",
    description="A command-line tool to display time in various formats.",
        "console_scripts": [
        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
        "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
        "Operating System :: OS Independent",

3.2. Create MANIFEST.in:

Add a MANIFEST.in file to include the man page in the distribution:

include davodtime.1

Step 4: Build and Upload

Rebuild your distribution and upload it to PyPI:

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*

Step 5: Installing the Man Page with Your Package

When users install your package, they can manually copy the man page to the appropriate directory (e.g., /usr/local/share/man/man1/). Automating this process can be complex due to differences in system configurations, so it’s often left to the user to place the man page correctly.


This process will give you a comprehensive man page for your davodtime tool, which can be installed locally and included in your PyPI distribution. Let me know if you need further assistance!


I think we should add support for “–help” and “-h” arguments.


Adding support for --help and -h arguments is a great idea, as it allows users to quickly understand how to use the davodtime tool. We can implement this by checking for these arguments in the main() function and displaying the help message accordingly.

Updated Python Script

Here’s how you can modify your davodtime.py script to include support for --help and -h arguments:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

def format_time(dt):
    return dt.strftime('%m%d%Y-%H%M%S')

def get_time_for_timezone(tz_name):
        tz = pytz.timezone(tz_name)
        return format_time(datetime.now(tz))
    except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
        return f"Unknown timezone: {tz_name}"

def print_help():
    help_text = """
Usage: davodtime [OPTIONS] [TIMEZONE]

A command-line tool to display time in various formats.

  -h, --help          Show this help message and exit
  utc                 Display the current time in UTC
  TIMEZONE            Display the current time in the specified timezone (e.g., GMT, PST, EST)

If no arguments are provided, the local system time is displayed.

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        # No arguments, return local system time
        arg = sys.argv[1].lower()
        if arg in ["-h", "--help"]:
        elif arg == "utc":

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. print_help() Function:

    • This function defines and prints the help message. It describes the usage, available options, and a brief explanation of what each option does.
  2. Checking for -h and --help:

    • In the main() function, the script checks if the first argument is -h or --help. If either is found, it calls the print_help() function and exits.
  3. Existing Functionality:

    • The existing functionality (handling utc and timezone arguments) remains unchanged.

Testing the Help Functionality

To test the help functionality, run the script with either -h or --help:

davodtime -h
davodtime --help

Both commands should display the help text and then exit.

Updating the Man Page

You should also update the man page to reflect the new --help and -h options:

.TH DAVODTIME 1 "August 2024" "Version 0.1.0" "User Commands"

davodtime \- A command-line tool to display time in various formats.

.B davodtime
[\fButc\fR | \fIGMT\fR | \fITZ\fR | \fB-h\fR | \fB--help\fR]

.B davodtime
is a command-line utility that displays the current time in various time zones or formats.

.B -h, --help
Displays this help message and exits.

.B utc
Displays the current UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

Any standard timezone abbreviation (e.g., GMT, PST, EST) can be provided as an argument to display the current time in that timezone, in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

If no arguments are provided, the local system time is displayed in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

.B davodtime
Displays the local system time.

.B davodtime utc
Displays the current time in UTC.

.B davodtime pst
Displays the current time in Pacific Standard Time.

.B davodtime -h
Displays the help message.

Your Name <your.email@example.com>

This software is licensed under the MIT License.

.B date(1)


With these updates, your davodtime tool will be more user-friendly, providing essential help information with -h or --help. The man page is also updated to reflect these changes, making the tool well-documented and easier to use. Let me know if you need further assistance!


Would it be possible to generate the same tool using Ruby instead?


Yes, it’s entirely possible to create the same davodtime tool in Ruby. Ruby is well-suited for command-line tools, and it should work both on macOS and a-Shell on iPad. Below is an implementation in Ruby that provides the same functionality as your Python tool.

Ruby Script

Here’s the Ruby version of davodtime:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'time'
require 'tzinfo'

# Function to format the time in MMddYYYY-HHmmss format
def format_time(time)

# Function to get time for a specific timezone
def get_time_for_timezone(tz_name)
    tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get(tz_name)
  rescue TZInfo::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier
    "Unknown timezone: #{tz_name}"

# Function to display help text
def print_help
  help_text = <<-HELP
Usage: davodtime [OPTIONS] [TIMEZONE]

A command-line tool to display time in various formats.

  -h, --help          Show this help message and exit
  utc                 Display the current time in UTC
  TIMEZONE            Display the current time in the specified timezone (e.g., GMT, PST, EST)

If no arguments are provided, the local system time is displayed.

  puts help_text

# Main function
def main
  if ARGV.empty?
    # No arguments, return local system time
    puts format_time(Time.now)
    arg = ARGV[0].downcase
    case arg
    when '-h', '--help'
    when 'utc'
      puts format_time(Time.now.getutc)
      puts get_time_for_timezone(arg.upcase)

# Run the main function if the script is called directly
main if __FILE__ == $0


  1. format_time(time):

    • This method formats a Time object into the MMddYYYY-HHmmss format.
  2. get_time_for_timezone(tz_name):

    • This method uses the tzinfo gem to look up and display the current time in the specified timezone. If an invalid timezone is provided, it returns an error message.
  3. print_help():

    • This method prints the help text, explaining how to use the script.
  4. Main Script Logic:

    • The script checks if any arguments are provided. If no arguments are given, it returns the local system time.
    • If -h or --help is provided, it prints the help text.
    • If utc is provided, it displays the current UTC time.
    • For any other argument, it tries to interpret it as a timezone abbreviation and prints the time in that timezone.

Step 1: Install the tzinfo Gem

This script uses the tzinfo library to handle timezones. Install it with:

gem install tzinfo

Step 2: Make the Ruby Script Executable

  1. Save the Ruby script as davodtime.rb.

  2. Make it executable:

    chmod +x davodtime.rb
  3. Move or link the script to a directory in your PATH:

    sudo ln -s /path/to/davodtime.rb /usr/local/bin/davodtime

Now you can run the script with:



Man Page (for Ruby Script)

Here’s the corresponding man page in troff format for the Ruby version of davodtime:

.TH DAVODTIME 1 "September 2024" "Version 0.1.0" "User Commands"

davodtime \- A command-line tool to display time in various formats.

.B davodtime
[\fButc\fR | \fIGMT\fR | \fITZ\fR | \fB-h\fR | \fB--help\fR]

.B davodtime
is a command-line utility that displays the current time in various time zones or formats.

.B -h, --help
Displays this help message and exits.

.B utc
Displays the current UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

Any standard timezone abbreviation (e.g., GMT, PST, EST) can be provided as an argument to display the current time in that timezone, in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

If no arguments are provided, the local system time is displayed in the format MMddYYYY-HHmmss.

.B davodtime
Displays the local system time.

.B davodtime utc
Displays the current time in UTC.

.B davodtime pst
Displays the current time in Pacific Standard Time.

.B davodtime -h
Displays the help message.

Your Name <your.email@example.com>

This software is licensed under the MIT License.

.B date(1)


With this Ruby version, you now have the same davodtime functionality as the Python version. The Ruby script is capable of handling timezones, UTC, and default local time, along with -h and --help arguments. You can also generate the same man page and distribute the tool similarly on both macOS and a-Shell.

Let me know if you need any more information!


Would it be possible to do this without any dependencies?


Yes, it’s possible to create the davodtime tool in Ruby without using external dependencies like tzinfo. Ruby’s built-in Time and DateTime classes already handle UTC and local time well. However, for time zones, Ruby doesn’t have direct support for converting between named timezones like “PST” or “EST” without a library like tzinfo.

You can still implement the core functionality using built-in Ruby classes by limiting the time zone support to a few common ones (like UTC, GMT, PST, EST) and hardcoding their offsets. This way, there won’t be any dependencies, and you can still have basic timezone support.

Dependency-Free Ruby Script

Here’s a revised version of the davodtime script without external dependencies:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Function to format time in MMddYYYY-HHmmss format
def format_time(time)

# Function to get time for a specific timezone
def get_time_for_timezone(tz_name)
  case tz_name
  when 'UTC'
  when 'GMT'
  when 'PST'
    format_time(Time.now.getutc - (8 * 3600)) # UTC-8
  when 'EST'
    format_time(Time.now.getutc - (5 * 3600)) # UTC-5
  when 'CST'
    format_time(Time.now.getutc - (6 * 3600)) # UTC-6
  when 'MST'
    format_time(Time.now.getutc - (7 * 3600)) # UTC-7
    "Unknown timezone: #{tz_name}"

# Function to display help text
def print_help
  help_text = <<-HELP
Usage: davodtime [OPTIONS] [TIMEZONE]

A command-line tool to display time in various formats.

  -h, --help          Show this help message and exit
  utc                 Display the current time in UTC
  TIMEZONE            Display the current time in the specified timezone (e.g., GMT, PST, EST)

If no arguments are provided, the local system time is displayed.

  puts help_text

# Main function
def main
  if ARGV.empty?
    # No arguments, return local system time
    puts format_time(Time.now)
    arg = ARGV[0].downcase
    case arg
    when '-h', '--help'
    when 'utc'
      puts format_time(Time.now.getutc)
      puts get_time_for_timezone(arg.upcase)

# Run the main function if the script is called directly
main if __FILE__ == $0


  1. format_time(time):

    • This function formats a Time object into the MMddYYYY-HHmmss format.
  2. Hardcoded Timezone Offsets:

    • Instead of using a library to get timezones, we manually calculate the time offsets for some common timezones (PST, EST, GMT, CST, MST). For example, PST is UTC-8, so we subtract 8 hours (in seconds) from UTC.
  3. Timezone Support:

    • The script now supports the following timezones:
      • UTC: Coordinated Universal Time (no offset)
      • GMT: Same as UTC
      • PST: Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8)
      • EST: Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5)
      • CST: Central Standard Time (UTC-6)
      • MST: Mountain Standard Time (UTC-7)
    • You can easily extend this by adding more timezones with their appropriate offsets.
  4. Help Message:

    • The print_help function prints the usage information, explaining how to use the tool.
  5. Main Logic:

    • If no arguments are provided, the script returns the local system time.
    • If utc is passed, it returns the current UTC time.
    • If a timezone (e.g., PST, EST) is passed, it calculates and displays the time for that timezone.
    • If -h or --help is passed, it displays the help message.

Running the Tool

You can now run this script in the same way as the previous versions:

  1. Local Time (no arguments):

  2. UTC Time:

    davodtime utc
  3. Specific Timezones (e.g., PST, EST):

    davodtime pst
    davodtime est
  4. Help:

    davodtime -h
    davodtime --help

Timezone Extension

You can extend this to support more timezones by adding more cases to the get_time_for_timezone function. Just look up the correct UTC offset for the timezone you want to support, and apply it similarly to how the script currently handles PST and EST.

For example, to add IST (Indian Standard Time, UTC+5:30):

when 'IST'
  format_time(Time.now.getutc + (5 * 3600) + (30 * 60)) # UTC+5:30


This Ruby version of davodtime now works without any external dependencies and still provides basic timezone support for common zones. It’s lightweight and works well on both macOS and a-Shell without needing to install any libraries.

Let me know if you have any further questions or need additional features!



  1. a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; “he asked a direct question”; “he had trouble phrasing his interrogations”
    • Synonyms
      • question
      • interrogation
      • interrogative sentence
    • Less specific
      • sentence
    • More specific
      • cross-question
      • leading question
      • yes-no question
    • Related
      • interrogate
      • question
      • interrogate
      • question
      • question
      • query
  2. some linguists consider interrogative sentences to constitute a mood
    • Synonyms
      • interrogative mood
    • Less specific
      • mood
      • mode
      • modality


  1. relating to verbs in the so-called interrogative mood; “not all questions have an interrogative construction”
    • Pertains to
      • interrogative mood
      • interrogative
    • Topic Members
      • grammar
  2. relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation
    • Synonyms
      • interrogatory
    • Antonyms
      • declarative
      • declaratory
      • asserting
      • declarative
      • declaratory
      • asserting
    • Related
      • interrogate
      • question
      • interrogate
      • question

interrogative - LookUp


  1. Grammar having the force of a question a hard, interrogative stare

Grammar used in questions an interrogative adverb


  1. Grammar a construction that has the force of a question interrogatives are not likely to crop up very often in the speech of a person who is being interviewed


early 16th century : from late Latin interrogativus , from Latin interrogare (see interrogate )



  1. he gazed at me with a hard interrogative stare

Similar Words: questioning inquiring inquisitive inquisitorial probing searching quizzing quizzical curious intrigued investigative catechistic catechistical

The Final Solution to the phones-in-schools issue

Yes, I am 100% confident in my argument, this time.



  1. the source or origin from which something derives (i.e. comes or issues); “he prefers shoes of Italian derivation”; “music of Turkish derivation”
    • Less specific
      • beginning
      • origin
      • root
      • rootage
      • source
    • Related
      • derive
      • come
      • descend
      • derive
      • derive
      • educe
  2. (historical linguistics) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase
    • Synonyms
      • deriving
      • etymologizing
    • Less specific
      • explanation
      • account
    • Related
      • etymologize
      • etymologise
      • derive
      • derive
    • Topic Members
      • historical linguistics
      • diachronic linguistics
      • diachrony
  3. a line of reasoning that shows how a conclusion follows logically from accepted propositions
    • Less specific
      • inference
      • illation
    • Related
      • deduce
      • infer
      • deduct
      • derive
  4. (descriptive linguistics) the process whereby new words are formed from existing words or bases by affixation; “singer’ from sing’ or undo’ from do’ are examples of derivations”
    • Less specific
      • linguistic process
    • More specific
      • eponymy
    • Related
      • derive
    • Topic Members
      • descriptive linguistics
  5. inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline
    • Synonyms
      • ancestry
      • lineage
      • filiation
    • Less specific
      • inheritance
      • hereditary pattern
    • More specific
      • origin
      • descent
      • extraction
      • pedigree
      • bloodline
    • Attributes
      • purebred
      • crossbred
    • Related
      • derive
      • come
      • descend
  6. drawing of fluid or inflammation away from a diseased part of the body
    • Less specific
      • drawing
      • drawing off
  7. drawing off water from its main channel as for irrigation
    • Less specific
      • drawing
      • drawing off
  8. the act of deriving something or obtaining something from a source or origin
    • Less specific
      • act
      • deed
      • human action
      • human activity

derivation - LookUp


  1. the action of obtaining something from a source or origin observation

Linguistics the formation of a word from another word or from a root in the same or another language

  1. Linguistics the set of stages that link a sentence in a natural language to its underlying logical form

  2. Mathematics the process of deducing a new formula, theorem, etc., from previously accepted statements

Mathematics a sequence of statements showing that a formula, theorem, etc., is a consequence of previously accepted statements


late Middle English (denoting the drawing of a fluid, especially pus or blood; also in the sense formation of a word from another word ): from Latin derivatio(n- ), from the verb derivare (see derive )



  1. the derivation of universal laws from empirical observation

Similar Words: deriving induction deduction deducing inferring inference gathering gleaning drawing out extraction eliciting eduction

  1. the derivation of the word ‘toff’

Similar Words: origin etymology source root etymon provenance fountainhead wellspring origination beginning foundation basis cause ancestry descent genealogy development evolution extraction

Urban Dictionary

1. In calculus, the slope of a function at a point. It is found by taking the limit of (f(x + h) - f(x)) / ((x + h) - x) where h (also seen as delta x) approaches 0.

Notations for a derivative include dy/dx and f'(x) (f prime of x)

2. The mathematical incarnation of Satan Himself

f(x) = 3x^3 - 4x^2 + 2x -6 //function f'(x) = 9x^2 - 8x + 2 //first derivative f''(x) = 18x - 8 //second derivative f'''(x) = 18 //third derivative

  1. Teacher: Today, we’re going to do derivatives Math book, as ceiling clouds over and turns red: MAY THE DEMONIC ARMIES OF HELL MARCH ACROSS YOUR MORTAL PLANE, CREATION CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION AND DRINKING THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT AND- Math teacher: Change of plans! We’re going to rock out to Zeppelin and have a LAN party on the school’s sweet new laptops for the next hour! Students: Hooray!

Whyp in CarPlay!

Today, Uuganbayar Otgonbayar added astonishingly responsive and (like the rest of the app) quite original CarPlay support to their React Native-based iOS/iPadOS client for Whyp and…

Oh man! I spent nearly an hour pushing it as hard as I could but found only delight.

Whyp - Upload & Share Audio

Some More Almost Entirely Unrelated Conjecture About Telegram

Here is the blog post I keep referring to (from 2022, please note.)



  1. absolutely first class and genuine; “pukka sahib”; “pukka quarters with a swarm of servants”
    • Synonyms
      • pucka
    • Similar to
      • superior
    • Region
      • India
      • Republic of India
      • Bharat

pukka - LookUp


  1. informal genuine the more expensive brands are pukka natural mineral waters

of or appropriate to high or respectable society it wouldn’t be considered the pukka thing to do

  1. British English excellent hey, man, that shirt’s pukka


early 17th century : from Punjabi pakk ā and Hindi pakk ā cooked, ripe, substantial



  1. it wouldn’t be considered the pukka thing to do

Similar Words: respectable decorous proper genteel formal polite conventional right correct accepted presentable decent smart comme il faut posh top-notch tip-top

Opposites: improper

  1. their old van was up against pukka racing cars

Similar Words: genuine authentic proper actual real true bona fide veritable original not copied legitimate kosher the real McCoy

Opposites: imitation

Urban Dictionary

A slang-term used in British English to describe something as “first class” or “absolutely genuine”.

That DVD is no “bootleg”. It’s pukka.

*The Onion*'s new fate is a rare glimmer in the media industry landscape

And how do you do all of that on top of migrating the entire Onion website to WordPress?

If you, too, immediately thought “well what the hell was it, then, if not The ‘Press???,” the answer is… fucking Kinja.

The Editorial Process

Ben Collins: …I just want to walk through their daily process for writing headlines. They come in every day. There’s either one or two meetings depending on the day, and then they write — usually, it’s around 190 headlines. They are put into a Google form and completely anonymized. Then, from there, it’s trimmed down a little bit by one of the editors per day. Then, they go in the room, and they read them out loud, all of them, and if it gets a laugh or if it’s like that’s something that’s a character we’re going to bring back or they got to talk through it, they check it off, and then they whittle those down over and over and over again. And by the end of the meeting, there’s usually — what, Danielle? — like 10 max, 5 to 10?

Danielle Strle: Yeah, tops.

BC: Around there. And then, those get written out, and if the copy’s not good or if it’s just a nib or something, that gets whittled down to three or four per day. And that comes from that contributor network that has legit famous people in it, or it comes from the people in the room. And then only after all that did they go back, and they’re like, “That guy wrote that thing.” That’s how meritocratic this is.

GASSY World Tour

Doing the third leg of my tour around the world commemorating the KC-10 Extender, this morning.

Rammstein Air Base (ETAR) to Al Udeid Air Base (OTBH)

Track me live, here!


