- a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
- Synonyms
- rogue
- rascal
- rapscallion
- scalawag
- scallywag
- varlet
- Less specific
- villain
- scoundrel
- Related
- rascally
- roguish
- scoundrelly
- blackguardly
- Synonyms
- one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince
- Synonyms
- jack
- Less specific
- face card
- picture card
- court card
- Synonyms
knave - LookUp
- archaic a dishonest or unscrupulous man
- (in cards) a jack
Old English cnafa boy, servant , of West Germanic origin; related to German Knabe boy
- don’t let yourself by hoodwinked by that knave
Similar Words: scoundrel rogue villain rascal good-for-nothing wretch ne’er-do-well unprincipled person reprobate scapegrace wrongdoer evil-doer charlatan cheat swindler fraudster louse hound cur rat scumbag wrong’un beast son of a bitch SOB skunk nasty piece of work ratbag scrote blighter spalpeen sleeveen fink rat fink scamp scally bastard dog dirty dog swine cad heel bad egg dastard stinker rotter bounder blackguard miscreant varlet vagabond rapscallion whoreson
Urban Dictionary
An unprincipled, crafty fellow.
He’s but Fortune’s knave, A minister of her will.