- noisy quarrel
- Synonyms
- affray
- altercation
- Less specific
- quarrel
- wrangle
- row
- words
- run-in
- dustup
- More specific
- batrachomyomachia
- Synonyms
fracas - LookUp
- a noisy disturbance or quarrel
the fracas was broken up by stewards
early 18th century : French , from fracasser , from Italian fracassare make an uproar
- two officers were kicked and punched in a fracas earlier this week
Similar Words: disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle melee free-for-all fight clash skirmish brouhaha riot uproar commotion argument altercation angry exchange war of words shouting match tiff dispute disagreement row wrangle squabble rumpus stooshie donnybrook bangarang falling-out set-to run-in shindig shindy dust-up punch-up scrap spat ruckus argy-bargy ruction fisticuffs barney bunfight ding-dong bust-up ruck slanging match afters rammy rhubarb broil miff
Urban Dictionary
Loud argument.
“what a bloody fracas”