David Blue



  1. absolutely first class and genuine; “pukka sahib”; “pukka quarters with a swarm of servants”
    • Synonyms
      • pucka
    • Similar to
      • superior
    • Region
      • India
      • Republic of India
      • Bharat

pukka - LookUp


  1. informal genuine the more expensive brands are pukka natural mineral waters

of or appropriate to high or respectable society it wouldn’t be considered the pukka thing to do

  1. British English excellent hey, man, that shirt’s pukka


early 17th century : from Punjabi pakk ā and Hindi pakk ā cooked, ripe, substantial



  1. it wouldn’t be considered the pukka thing to do

Similar Words: respectable decorous proper genteel formal polite conventional right correct accepted presentable decent smart comme il faut posh top-notch tip-top

Opposites: improper

  1. their old van was up against pukka racing cars

Similar Words: genuine authentic proper actual real true bona fide veritable original not copied legitimate kosher the real McCoy

Opposites: imitation

Urban Dictionary

A slang-term used in British English to describe something as “first class” or “absolutely genuine”.

That DVD is no “bootleg”. It’s pukka.