Graber Goober Poster Why

(Forgot to conclude the story: I just immediately left the server.)


An opportunity to compare transcript generation between Microblog’s and the “Apple Intelligence” transcripts now available in Voice Memos:

I guess it must have been um in 2021. I don’t know why it feels like it was so long ago uh when I first heard about well, not, but I first heard of Of course the the name blues sky had been tossed around for a long time. That’s why I had heard about it. uh The first time anything that I ever saw anything tangible, it was a discordite, of course, and what I did was that I immediately went in there and uh I think, well, the discussion that was happening that I remember it was about the protocol specifically. um and I literally just linked to activity to the main activity pub site. I think I linked to activity pub. rocks uh, and and it was just like, you guys know about this, right? Um, and I swear to you, like, uh and it was kind of like frantic. It was like sincere like wait, hang on a second because that’s the way that that uh activity pub shit. um the actual foundation of to centralized social that’s been around for um I was going to say decades. I guess it’s probably pushing it a little bit, but a decade and more. um It’s been developed on and refined to a point where it is like it is the thing. The technology, like is a and I guess I should appreciate that more. I guess the technology had already been established and from my perspective, it continues to be I mean the dream of social media seeing the first time I said this before a million times, but like seeing a pixel fed post in line on a masted on feed I remember that that thought like holy shit, this is literally what I wished for all along. um like shit. I wish that like the the technology barrier that um proprietary barriers between me and and whatever I wanted to express in the service, I wish that I could um barriers maybe not the right word, but actually is just like the dream. And like I don’t know anything technically about the AT protocol because I am not like enough anything that’s kind of intentional. I just don’t have ruin my brain, but, you know, all these years, what I’ve heard from people again about their hesitants, so mast it on their their bad experiences on mastodon have been because it was difficult. uh but like seeing some of those same people um literally have their username, their bluesray username stop resolving for a second. uh But I don’t know. I don’t understand. And I guess it it’s just and it just fucking sends me and I don’t know why. I don’t know why. um but redundancy, I guess, is just really alarming and also I don’t know. um I heard a friend got their account their blue sky account suspended uh and I didn’t follow up with him so I probably should actually the other day, but it seemed like he that that happened without explanation um and uh there’s just no meaning behind calling yourself open source and if if that sort of thing is going to happen um also like practically speaking, if decentralization is what anyone in the in the blue sky project genuinely want it I still have yet to hear an explanation as for why they wouldn’t have there just is none there is none other than money and the difference between m Macedon and blue sky is that blue sky took ventures money. uh and it’s just strange to me and irritating a hell to hear um I don’t know I don’t know anything about Jake Raber, but uh, like hearing her go on about uh the things they’re doing in a meive Patel interview that he did recently. um and he just I love Neai. But like once again, that was I mean, and and decoder is his business podcast. So like I can’t even like that’s is very explicitly about business. uh so and organs or whatever. um so I guess I can’t but like you got to interrupt her. Anyway, so okay, so what happened with that disord thing? I went in there, uh linked activity pub dot rocks and was like, guys, you know about this, right? Like woo, hold on. wait a second. uh and then like the response was I mean, I remember it being I didn’t read it because it began with you know, the essence was uh well, but and I was just like, yeah, I got Bill, thank you to everyone who created activity problem. And I’m like not it is not loyalty for the sake of I just really love the brand um because I it’s just I don’t understand. I don’t understand um and I and I suspect once again that literally your only barrier, I guess I should just be more explicit about it. Those of you who um found herself migrating this blue sky. Okay, I’m gonna exempt anyone who has to do social media, for their livelihood, okay? Because that just doesn’t count, then you have to go with other people. There are people. That has to be that’s a whole different consideration. But like uh like you definitely what you mean by it’s it was hard is that it’s genuinely nonprofit and you get the same sickness that I suppose still have um but like damn uh it’s so disappointing. and uh isolating, I guess. And frustrating, but, um yeah. I’m sure it’s gonna grow great. Um

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