David Blue

Glass Profile Ingestion

A capture of my Glass profile as a web page.

As much as I genuinely enjoyed my free trial + then some paid time using Glass, I’m just not able/interested in image capture right now to continue paying $6.99 a month for it. I was pretty excited, then, to discover that micro.blog’s macOS app offers support for importing the .zip profile export files Glass creates, and to report that I have imported 18 images from my profile to this blog successfully.

macOS window screenshot showing the Glass import process in Micro.Blog for macOS.

Here’s an example.

Extracting individual YouTube video URLs from Playlists with yt-dlp

Since I’m a longtime Raindrop.io user, I handle plaintext, line-broken lists of raw URLs a lot, though I’m used to having to get them to that state myself by some fiddling or another.

I was very delighted, then, to find that my very first attempt at the very first solution I found in a search engine on a journey to figure out what the fuck Rally Phonk is resulted in a plain text list!

u/werid’s reply to a original poster in the youtubedl subreddit asking “Is it possible to extract individual videos links from YouTube playlist using yt-dlp or youtube-dl” is to credit for my success:

yt-dlp --flat-playlist -i --print-to-file url file.txt "playlist-url"

Audio Waveforms Visualized in a Snap via Siri Shortcut

Just wanted to highlight and demonstrate @verdictum’s absolutely incredible Visualize Audio Siri Shortcut.

ShowCuts source image export of the Visualize Audio Siri Shortcut.

Obsidian: Automatically Adding Public Obsidian Publish URLs to Notes?

Howdy folks!

I hope I’m not missing something - I’ve searched the forums, subreddit, etc. off and on for the past few months for any discussion on the matter, but haven’t found anything quite directly related enough to get me started on my own solution, so I thought I’d reach out.

I’ve been playing around with Publish for a lil bit, though I have been putting off investigating methods of customizing how permalinks are published.

To be as succinct as I can, my end goal is essentially just two functions:

  1. The automated addition of a given note’s public Publish URL (ex: https://publish.obsidian.md/extratone/meta/Automatically+Adding+Public+Obsidian+Publish+URLs+to+Notes%3F) as a url property in the frontmatter.
  2. Ideally, the ability to add a markdown-formatted hyperlink of the same ([Note Title](publishurl)) at the cursor with a single hotkey.

I feel like it’s absurd to think I’m the only one seeking such a function - apologies if this is redundant.

Clippings Backup Taio Action

Clippings Backup action open in the Taio Action Editor.

This action uses the Get Clippings action step to return the content of all clippings, which is then counted by lines and backed up (by default) in the root of one’s iCloud Drive storage for Taio as clippings.md. (iCloud Drive/Taio/Editor/clippings.md) Before finishing, the action displays the number of lines it has backed up.

Video Demo


	"actions": [
			"type": "@clips.get-text",
			"parameters": {
				"mode": 1
			"type": "@flow.set-variable",
			"parameters": {
				"value": {
					"value": "$",
					"tokens": [
							"location": 0,
							"value": "@input"
				"name": {
					"value": "clippings"
			"type": "@text.count",
			"parameters": {
				"mode": 0,
				"text": {
					"value": "$",
					"tokens": [
							"location": 0,
							"value": "clippings"
			"type": "@flow.set-variable",
			"parameters": {
				"value": {
					"value": "$",
					"tokens": [
							"location": 0,
							"value": "@input"
				"name": {
					"value": "count"
			"type": "@editor.new",
			"parameters": {
				"location": 2,
				"openInEditor": false,
				"filename": {
					"value": "clippings.md"
				"text": {
					"value": "$",
					"tokens": [
							"location": 0,
							"value": "clippings"
				"overwriteIfExists": true
			"type": "@ui.toast",
			"parameters": {
				"style": 0,
				"waitUntilDone": false,
				"title": {
					"value": "$ Clippings Backed Up",
					"tokens": [
							"location": 0,
							"value": "count"
	"buildVersion": 1,
	"name": "Clippings Backup",
	"clientMinVersion": 1,
	"summary": "Backs up all clippings content - merged in a single text file - at [iCloud Storage]/clippings.md.",
	"icon": {
		"glyph": "externaldrive.badge.checkmark",
		"color": "#10ADC0"
	"clientVersion": 1222