David Blue



  1. come out in the end
    • Less specific
      • turn out
      • come out
    • Related
      • consequence
      • effect
      • outcome
      • result
      • event
      • issue
      • upshot

eventuate - LookUp


  1. formal occur as a result you never know what might eventuate

eventuate in lead to as a result circumstances that eventuate in crime


late 17th century (in the sense bring about ): from event , perhaps on the pattern of actuate



  1. you never know what might eventuate

Similar Words: happen occur take place chance to happen arise emerge come about transpire materialize appear surface crop up spring up present itself ensue follow result develop supervene be the result be the consequence go down come to pass befall betide bechance hap arrive

  1. the fight eventuated in the death of Mr Gonzales

Similar Words: result in end in have as a result have as a consequence lead to give rise to bring about cause

"Oleophobia" - Logic Pro for iPad Experiment

Still having trouble describing how good this was for me to listen to.

iPadOS 18 Audio Capture Anecdotes

Aiko Transcript

All right folks, it’s your favorite thing, favorite time.

It’s time to play around with the changes to audio capture specifically, an iPadOS 18.1 beta 2.

I don’t actually, I don’t know if this is as a beta 2.

Two things I noticed, the thing that they introduced in 16 I believe, which is called mic modes, where you could switch between standard wide spectrum and voice isolation.

I say you could switch.

This was in control center, it’s still in control center, they redesigned where it is, and the interface is very pretty, but they didn’t fucking fix it, and by fix that I just mean have it, I don’t know, it’s an API thing I guess.

I really just need to put on a list of things that I go down and make a mock-up fucking app so that I can see what the actual control is, the actual fucking backend code.

Not that I’m capable of this, or at least it doesn’t come easily, because um, in order to switch mic modes, and I don’t know if I’m recording in voice isolation or standard or wide spectrum right now, this is in voice memos, which is a native app which has transcription now, which is very cool, except even as I’m recording right now I don’t have access to that mic modes menu.

I had to start a live stream on Telegram.

Telegram, of course, is the one app that semi-reliably gives me access to the mic modes thing, but it still sticks as in you make a selection.

There was no selection at first.

Anyway, this is voice memos recording in lossless.

I don’t know if stereo voice memos is a new capability, but if you go to the app specific menu for voice memos in iPadOS 18, there was a toggle that was default off, just called stereo, and it’s on now.

Good morning.

All right, same device, same setting, but this is ferrite.

Ferrite being, well, the closest that we’ve ever come, really, to a professional audio capture app on this device.

Um, let’s see, do I have access to mic modes?

Nope, that’s okay.

Um, but uh, yeah, I, notably, one thing that ferrite recently added, and I know it’s silly, but uh, when I was in high school growing up around musicians and audio stuff, uh, FLAC files were basically a fucking meme because, um, you know, I explored all the drywall stuff in FLAC, which is, which is, if you know what I’m talking about, kind of funny.

Anyway, you can export it to FLAC now in ferrite.

And finally, recording in 96 kilohertz directly into Logic Pro for iPad.

Same microphone array, I think.

Um, yeah.

Oh, I guess it’d be very weird if I had access to mic modes here.

But I, so I listened back to, um, at least the voice memos recording, uh, and I’m almost positive that that was indeed in voice isolation.

Um, I guess the last subject would be, uh, I’m gonna see if I can, I’ll have a go at putting this together in fucking Logic Pro. Oh wait, actually, no, I’ll put it in, I’ll put it in ferrite and export it to WIP because WIP does 320 playback.

Uh, transcription.

I, um, think that on-device transcription is really cool, you know, native.

Uh, I would just like to mention that Cinder’s sword, his sword, who’s, wow, I actually know how to pronounce his name, but I’m not going to continue to fail.

Uh, his app, ICO, which is free, A-I-K-O, um, at least for my recordings so far, it’s just fucking better.

And you can import anything, video files.

Uh, I try to, the weirdest fucking file format, I think I did a WebM and it was fine and allows you to immediately copy, uh, and also export into all, uh, a bunch of different text formats and it’s free.

And it is also on-device and it’s bizarrely fast, but, uh, you know, I’ve got the newest chips.


Just buy a Shure SM57 and a Sema and a used, buy a used Shure SM57, uh, and a USB audio interface, a relatively good quality one.

Um, just do that.

Don’t buy an iPad.

ǝ ɯ ɐ l


Oh was just behind a Tesla Model X for a moment and just long enough to notice that they I mean it looks like it I don’t even know they put a SpaceX badge on the rear as in where the brand badge would be I don’t actually remember if I don’t think the word Tesla is there but uh I didn’t get a long enough look at it to tell but uh it was square but very homemade looking and certainly it completely unrelated to SpaceX’s actual branding and I just I don’t use the word lame very often I don’t know if that seems like it’s kind of for a reason but that’s just the lamest fucking thing that I’ve seen in a good while and it’s a shame that all that work I did tracking down the type typeface so that I could make a parody Tesla brand logo instead of saying Tesla says Musker literally no one has ever laughed at that I don’t know why this is a you guys problem that’s your problem man

Google Teeth

Design a logo for a fictional Google denture product called Google Teeth.”

Google Teeth Google Teeth Google Teeth



  1. showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience; “his polished manner”; “maintained an urbane tone in his letters”
    • Synonyms
      • polished
      • refined
    • Similar to
      • sophisticated
    • Related
      • urbanity

urbane - LookUp


  1. courteous and refined in manner (typically used of a man) the supposedly urbane, restrained English gentleman | urbane wit was the mark of taste and cultivation


mid 16th century (in the sense urban ): from French urbain or Latin urbanus (see urban )



  1. the urbane and scholarly former information minister

Similar Words: suave sophisticated debonair worldly elegant cultivated cultured civilized well bred worldly-wise glib smooth slick polished refined poised self-possessed dignified courteous polite civil well mannered gentlemanly gallant courtly charming affable tactful diplomatic media-savvy cool mannerly

Opposites: uncouth unsophisticated boorish

Urban Dictionary

when ur too lazy to type out urban dictionary

I wonder how urban dictionary is defined in the urban dictionary. hmmm. “urban….clicks enter”

Burn in Hell, Fruit Company

The End of an Era: A Message From the Founder as We Announce the Closure of AppleVis | AppleVis applevis.com



  1. a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture
    • Less specific
      • gauze
      • netting
      • veiling
    • Related
      • ethereal
      • gossamer
  2. filaments from a web that was spun by a spider
    • Synonyms
      • cobweb
    • Less specific
      • fibril
      • filament
      • strand
    • Related
      • ethereal
      • gossamer


  1. characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy; “this smallest and most ethereal of birds”; “gossamer shading through his playing”
    • Synonyms
      • ethereal
    • Similar to
      • delicate
    • Related
      • cobweb
      • gossamer
      • gossamer
  2. so thin as to transmit light; “a hat with a diaphanous veil”; “filmy wings of a moth”; “gauzy clouds of dandelion down”; “gossamer cobwebs”; “sheer silk stockings”; “transparent chiffon”; “vaporous silks”
    • Synonyms
      • diaphanous
      • filmy
      • gauzy
      • gauze-like
      • see-through
      • sheer
      • transparent
      • vaporous
      • vapourous
      • cobwebby
    • Similar to
      • thin
    • Related
      • cobweb
      • transparency
      • transparence
      • transparency
      • transparence
      • transparentness
      • gauze
      • netting
      • veiling
      • film
      • plastic film

gossamer - LookUp


  1. a fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders, seen especially in autumn

a light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate material or substance a fine gossamer fabric that clung to her skin


Middle English : apparently from goose + summer , perhaps from the time of year around St Martin’s summer, i.e. early November, when geese were eaten (gossamer being common then)



  1. her dress swirled like gossamer

Similar Words: cobweb spider’s web silk silky substance Japanese silk gauze tissue chiffon thistledown down feather


  1. beautiful ladies in gossamer veils

Similar Words: ultra-fine fine diaphanous gauzy gauze-like gossamer-thin gossamer-like gossamery delicate filmy floaty chiffony cobwebby feathery silky silken wispy thin light lightweight insubstantial papery flimsy frail translucent transparent see-through sheer transpicuous translucid

Opposites: heavy opaque

Urban Dictionary

A big red fuck That gigantic red hairy monster that often chased bugs bunny. A cobweb on a bush

Gossamer was trying to rape me, so i ran away and hid in a bush that was covered in gossamers.

Glass Profile Ingestion

A capture of my Glass profile as a web page.

As much as I genuinely enjoyed my free trial + then some paid time using Glass, I’m just not able/interested in image capture right now to continue paying $6.99 a month for it. I was pretty excited, then, to discover that micro.blog’s macOS app offers support for importing the .zip profile export files Glass creates, and to report that I have imported 18 images from my profile to this blog successfully.

macOS window screenshot showing the Glass import process in Micro.Blog for macOS.

Here’s an example.


es·em·plas·tic | ˌesemˈplastik |

adjective rare

molding into one; unifying: Coleridge defines imagination as the esemplastic power.


esemplastically | -(ə)lē | adverb


early 19th century: from Greek _es _‘into’ + _hen _(neuter of _heis _‘one’) + -ic; formed irregularly by Coleridge, probably suggested by German Ineinsbildung, in the same sense.

Just a Test



(Not sure why these aren’t added automatically tbh.)

If you don’t find the potential for accessibility in large language models to be by far the most exciting aspect of the whole idea, you’re nuts.

Typora ⇨ Marked 2 "Support"

Despite the beautiful myriad of text editors available for macOS, I’ve still found myself using Typora on my old machine. When I recently (read: ridiculously late) discovered that Brett Terpstra’s venerable Marked 2 can be schemed (sortof) with x-marked://, it immediately occurred to me that I could use a custom Typora Export preset to add “integration” between these two apps:

open 'x-marked://open?file=${currentPath}&raise=true'



  1. noisy quarrel
    • Synonyms
      • affray
      • altercation
    • Less specific
      • quarrel
      • wrangle
      • row
      • words
      • run-in
      • dustup
    • More specific
      • batrachomyomachia

fracas - LookUp


  1. a noisy disturbance or quarrel

the fracas was broken up by stewards


early 18th century : French , from fracasser , from Italian fracassare make an uproar



  1. two officers were kicked and punched in a fracas earlier this week

Similar Words: disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle melee free-for-all fight clash skirmish brouhaha riot uproar commotion argument altercation angry exchange war of words shouting match tiff dispute disagreement row wrangle squabble rumpus stooshie donnybrook bangarang falling-out set-to run-in shindig shindy dust-up punch-up scrap spat ruckus argy-bargy ruction fisticuffs barney bunfight ding-dong bust-up ruck slanging match afters rammy rhubarb broil miff

Urban Dictionary

Loud argument.

“what a bloody fracas”

ChatGPT Responds to My Old Apple Dev Forums Question

Back in July, 2021, I posted a thread on the Apple Developer forums asking for clarification on the differences between hardware keyboard support on iPad and iPhone.

The response… blew my mind, suffice it to say, but I would like to take a moment to champion ChatGPT, of all fucking things, for its reply when given the same request and asked to respond:

Hi David,

Thank you for your detailed question and the context provided. Your observations about the state of Bluetooth keyboard support and documentation for iPhones are insightful and highlight a gap in current resources.

Current State of Documentation and Support

  1. Bluetooth Keyboard Support on iPhone:

    • As you’ve noted, iPhones do support Bluetooth keyboards, and there is ongoing development in this area. However, the documentation has not kept pace with these developments, particularly since the split of iPadOS from iOS.
  2. Discrepancy in Documentation:

  3. Developer Awareness:

    • Your experience with developers unaware of their apps' Bluetooth keyboard shortcuts on iPhones indicates a need for better communication and documentation from Apple to bridge this knowledge gap.

Answer to Your Question

Where can I find complete documentation of both keyboard shortcuts support in native apps/the OS and UIKeyCommand’s uniquely-iPhone considerations?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a single comprehensive source that documents all the keyboard shortcuts supported on iPhones across native apps and the OS. However, here are some steps and resources that might help:

  1. UIKeyCommand Documentation:

    • The UIKeyCommand class is the primary resource for developers to implement and understand keyboard shortcuts in their apps. While this documentation doesn’t differentiate between iPhone and iPad, the principles apply to both.
  2. Accessibility Features:

    • Apple’s support pages on accessibility features can provide some insight into keyboard usage on iPhones, particularly for those who use keyboards for accessibility reasons. For example, Full Keyboard Access is a feature available on both iPhones and iPads.
  3. Developer Forums and WWDC Sessions:

    • Engaging in Apple Developer Forums and watching relevant WWDC sessions can provide additional insights and updates. Sessions such as this one from WWDC 2021 cover many topics related to keyboard navigation and accessibility.

Recommendations and Next Steps

  1. Feedback to Apple:

    • Given your detailed observations and the gaps in documentation, I recommend submitting feedback to Apple through the Feedback Assistant. Your input could help prioritize better documentation and resources for iPhone keyboard support.
  2. Community Collaboration:

    • Consider collaborating with other users and developers to compile a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for iPhones. This could be shared on platforms like GitHub or a dedicated website, providing a valuable resource for the community.
  3. Sharing Your Findings:

    • If you have already documented some keyboard shortcuts through your testing, sharing these findings on forums or community platforms could benefit other users facing similar challenges.

Thank you again for your question and your efforts in highlighting this important issue. Your initiative is greatly appreciated, and I hope these suggestions help you find the information you need.

Infinite Flight’s prettiest views imo.

Decoding Apple Maps Guide URLs

Share view for a personal Guide in Apple Maps.

Revisiting the noted release of beta dot maps dot apple dot com just now, I found my way back to back to a “mystery” I deserted some years ago[^1] when “Guides” were first added to Apple Maps. You can see the result inputted into the ChatGPT conversation pasted below of using the share sheet on my personal “Columbia Area Essentials” Guide (see above.)

You’ll note that said URL is very different from the officially published (and entirely useless to any real person as far as I can tell) Guides (ex: “The best things to do in Paris” - https://guides.apple.com/?lsp=9902&pg=10753559041452954389) in that at least some of the data is encoded directly into the URL.

I should have recognized it as base64 immediately but… I didn’t.


Can you tell me what type of encoding the following URL is using?



The URL you provided appears to be using percent encoding (also known as URL encoding).

In percent encoding, special characters are replaced with a percent sign (%) followed by two hexadecimal digits that represent the ASCII code of the character. For example:

In the URL you provided, you can see encoded characters such as %2F, %2C, and %3D. This encoding is commonly used in URLs to ensure that all characters conform to the standard URL format and can be safely transmitted over the internet.


Are you able to decode it?


Sure, I can help you decode the URL. Here’s the decoded version of the URL you provided:


In this decoded URL, spaces and other special characters that were percent-encoded are now displayed in their original form. The string following ug= is still encoded and appears to be in base64 format. If you need further decoding of that part, it would require additional processing to decode the base64 string.

Would you like me to proceed with decoding the base64 portion of the URL as well?


Yes please.


Sure, I’ll decode the base64 portion of the URL for you. The base64 encoded string is:


Let me decode this for you.


Please continue


Sure, I’ll decode the base64 string step by step. Here’s the rest of the base64 string:


Now, I’ll decode it.


It looks like there was an issue with the decoding process. I’ll retry the decoding process properly.

Let me proceed with decoding the base64 string now.


The decoded base64 string appears to be a structured data representation, possibly in a binary or protocol buffer format. Here’s a partial interpretation of the decoded content:

Columbia Area Essentials
46900 E O'Rear Rd, Columbia, MO 65202, United States
Wild Haven Nature Area
62249 RT-161, Montgomery City, MO 63361, United States
Red's Gas
35495 Peabody Rd, Columbia, MO 65202, United States
Bioreactor Landfill Scale
41818 W Worley St, Columbia, MO 65203, United States
Columbia Public Schools
Big Burr Starry Sky Parking
4109 E Stewart Rd, Columbia, MO 65203, United States
Cherry Hill Gadweebo
Cartwright Circuit

This suggests that the encoded data is a list of locations, likely with additional metadata such as coordinates or identifiers. However, there are non-printable characters and other binary data interspersed, which indicate this is not a straightforward text encoding but rather a structured format requiring specific decoding logic, likely a protobuf or similar serialization format.

Also, WTF??

[1] 2014, in iOS 14 Beta.

when he go and spend every second of the whole weekend at the racetrack "snapping photos," but this all he come back with...

Sunset behind a tree and a forest, with a grassy field in the foreground and a partly cloudy sky above.

when he go and spend every second of the whole weekend at the racetrack "snapping photos," but this all he come back with...

Nilay Patel Calls for 5G Emails

If you are a person…