Noun noisy quarrel Synonyms affray altercation Less specific quarrel wrangle row words run-in dustup More specific batrachomyomachia fracas - LookUp plural
a noisy disturbance or quarrel the fracas was broken up by stewards
Origin early 18th century : French , from fracasser , from Italian fracassare make an uproar
Thesaurus Noun
two officers were kicked and punched in a fracas earlier this week Similar Words: disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle melee free-for-all fight clash skirmish brouhaha riot uproar commotion argument altercation angry exchange war of words shouting match tiff dispute disagreement row wrangle squabble rumpus stooshie donnybrook bangarang falling-out set-to run-in shindig shindy dust-up punch-up scrap spat ruckus argy-bargy ruction fisticuffs barney bunfight ding-dong bust-up ruck slanging match afters rammy rhubarb broil miff
Back in July, 2021, I posted a thread on the Apple Developer forums asking for clarification on the differences between hardware keyboard support on iPad and iPhone.
The response… blew my mind, suffice it to say, but I would like to take a moment to champion ChatGPT, of all fucking things, for its reply when given the same request and asked to respond:
Hi David,
Thank you for your detailed question and the context provided.
Revisiting the noted release of beta dot maps dot apple dot com just now, I found my way back to back to a “mystery” I deserted some years ago[^1] when “Guides” were first added to Apple Maps. You can see the result inputted into the ChatGPT conversation pasted below of using the share sheet on my personal “Columbia Area Essentials” Guide (see above.)
You’ll note that said URL is very different from the officially published (and entirely useless to any real person as far as I can tell) Guides (ex: “The best things to do in Paris” - https://guides.
If you are a person…
Automated Transcription If you are a person beyond just my phone is faster or I've downloaded more pirated Netflix videos than ever in an airport. If you are someone who's actually like experienced the benefits of 5G I want to hear from you. It cannot be that your bandwidth is just faster. I'm talking you did a robot surgery. Like one of these things they told us would happen with 5G.
I just realized how incredibly original Sunlit is in simply allowing one the ability to source one’s already-uploaded (but not shared, notably) media library… which is alarming, but delightful.
I just realized how incredibly original Sunlit is in simply allowing one the ability to source one’s already-uploaded (but not shared, notably) media library… which is alarming, but delightful.
Verb make a half turn on a horse, in dressage Less specific turn caracole - LookUp noun
Riding a half turn to the right or left by a horse verb
Riding (of a horse) perform a caracole he danced sideways and then caracoled round the corner of the stables Origin early 17th century : French caracole , caracol , via Italian from Spanish caracol snail, snail’s shell, spiral
I was reminded yesterday - as I am very, very occasionally - about a thing I blasted out on The Psalms in early August 2019 about my early childhood mobility from the traditional to the trendy, contemporary side of protestant Christianity. It’s still one of my favorites, but I’ve long since conceded that it’s only of any interest/entertainment to a relatively narrow range of my peers, so please don’t force yourself…
I did, however, find the ability of whatever LLM is powering Craft’s “AI Assistant” to comprehend (pretty much uniquely lol) and … proceed to falsify (when asked with its “Continue Writing” feature) an intriguing, if entirely reiterative, continuation:
Noun a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel Synonyms rogue rascal rapscallion scalawag scallywag varlet Less specific villain scoundrel Related rascally roguish scoundrelly blackguardly one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince Synonyms jack Less specific face card picture card court card knave - LookUp noun
Adjective temperamentally disinclined to talk Synonyms untalkative Similar to taciturn Related reserve reticence taciturnity cool and formal in manner Synonyms restrained unemotional Similar to undemonstrative reluctant to draw attention to yourself Synonyms self-effacing retiring Similar to unassertive reticent - LookUp adjective
As the utter psychosis of adtech has come further and further into the mainstream light, I have been occasionally enjoying myself by “leveraging” GDPR-obliged services against the most virulent believers with which I’ve had an account (so, all of them) in order to obtain just glimpses into the actual data of the mythos we’ve all built about the shit. To be honest, I’m still surprised when I find out that the huge majority of people have never bothered, and I try not to dwell on my (informed, taxing) supposition that the individual user’s volition in regards to this inherently exploitive dynamic we’ve sold the web to has been in control of the masters of these mechanisms.
<img id=“rss_item_716003355395634556” src=“" alt=“A man standing next to and pointing at a “City Limit Lupus Pop. 33” sign on a rural roadside.">