David Blue

Given the current state of Dropbox Paper (can't even trust the metadata,) I can't be entirely sure why exactly my [original draft](https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Reviewed-Rock-Springs-Wyoming--CO7txZrHgjwhlVC8diO8fx2xAQ-jeE4RlaRHowleHZOkQqb4

<img id=“rss_item_695105665021136960” src=“https://pxscdn.com/public/m/_v2/3377/7321b8e85-c3df53/VPt8zHQ0h054/MTtA7xzvxJ8UOQumY1BhYnArBNFJmX9oNiVqrO4f.jpg" alt=“A printed newspaper front page, featuring headlines and articles along with an image of a smiling man receiving a flower from a woman in a crowded room. The newspaper title “Rocket-Miner” is prominent at the top.">

Given the current state of Dropbox Paper (can’t even trust the metadata,) I can’t be entirely sure why exactly my [original draft](https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Reviewed-Rock-Springs-Wyoming--CO7txZrHgjwhlVC8diO8fx2xAQ-jeE4RlaRHowleHZOkQqb4) of the mid-Missouri-to-Portland journey story - which included a failed tire slashing and our disquieting realization (at 1AM or something) that we were very near - if not right on top of - the scene of the worst anti-Asian-American massacre in the country’s history - never appeared in any of the dozens of export attempts from that service I’ve attempted over the years.

Yesterday morning, a friend’s inquiry into the pursuit of owning a Jaguar like mine led me to realize this, and you would not believe how much time I spent spinning my wheels to get the original text from Paper to what [you can now experience on The Psalms](https://bilge.world/rock-springs-wyoming). I hope some entertainment might still be gained from it.
#travel #creepy #americana

Working Copy App Store Review

Working Copy Icon

My absolute favorite Git client… on ANY platform.

I had the relatively unique experience of coming to Git, mobile-first, via this very application on my iPhone 8 Plus, almost exactly 4 years ago. Thanks to GitHub’s Education program, I’ve had access to unlimited repository creation since that first day, and it’s honestly quite a testament to the power of Working Copy just how much of a mess I made in those initial few months.

Now on my iPad Pro, I keep so many repos (89 as of this writing) that I have an automation that maintains a browsable index of the lot (which is, itself, a testament to Working Copy’s incredibly comprehensive and solid Siri Shortcuts support.)

Latest Color Names

Latest Colornames Palette
Latest Colornames Palette

This is an automatically-generated palette of the latest entries on colornames.org created by my Siri Shortcut. :)


Underexposure has always been my shit. Believe it or not, this was far from the most interesting/dynamic thing to look at pulled over on the side of W last night, but it&#039;s all I could capture.

A solitary, illuminated building against a dark night background.

Underexposure has always been my shit. Believe it or not, this was far from the most interesting/dynamic thing to look at pulled over on the side of W last night, but it's all I could capture.



  1. the plateau between the coastal plain and the Appalachian Mountains: parts of Virginia and North and South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama
    • Part of
      • South
    • Is a
      • geographical area
      • geographic area
      • geographical region
      • geographic region
  2. a gentle slope leading from the base of a mountain to a region of flat land
    • Less specific
      • slope
      • incline
      • side
  3. the region of northwestern Italy; includes the Po valley
    • Synonyms
      • Piedmont
      • Piemonte
    • Parts
      • Turin
      • Torino
    • Part of
      • Italy
      • Italian Republic
      • Italia
    • Is a
      • Italian region

piedmont - LookUp


  1. Geography a gentle slope leading from the foot of mountains to a region of flat land

  2. a region of north-western Italy, in the foothills of the Alps; capital, Turin. Dominated by Savoy from 1400, it became a part of the kingdom of Sardinia in 1720. It was the centre of the movement for a united Italy in the 19th century

  3. a hilly region of the eastern US, between the Appalachians and the coastal plain


from Italian piemonte mountain foot



  1. a state or condition markedly different from the norm
    • Synonyms
      • aberrance
      • aberrancy
      • deviance
    • Less specific
      • abnormality
      • abnormalcy
    • More specific
      • chromosomal aberration
      • chromosomal anomaly
      • chrosomal abnormality
      • chromosonal disorder
      • deflection
      • warp
    • Related
      • aberrant
      • deviant
      • deviate
      • aberrate
      • aberrate
      • aberrant
      • deviant
      • deviate
      • aberrant
      • deviant
      • deviate
      • aberrate
      • aberrate
      • aberrant
      • deviant
      • deviate
  2. a disorder in one’s mental state
    • Less specific
      • mental disorder
      • mental disturbance
      • disturbance
      • psychological disorder
      • folie
    • Related
      • aberrate
  3. an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image
    • Synonyms
      • distortion
      • optical aberration
    • Less specific
      • optical phenomenon
    • More specific
      • chromatic aberration
      • spherical aberration
    • Related
      • aberrate

aberration - LookUp


  1. a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one

they described the outbreak of violence in the area as an aberration | I see these activities as some kind of mental aberration | the decade was seen as a period of aberration in the country’s progress towards a democratic society

Biology a characteristic that deviates from the normal type

colour aberrations


late 16th century : from Latin aberratio(n- ), from aberrare to stray (see aberrant )



  1. economists said the figure was an aberration

Similar Words: anomaly deviation divergence abnormality irregularity variation digression edge case freak rogue rarity quirk oddity curiosity mistake

  1. it is possible that, in a moment of aberration, the parent may strike the child

Similar Words: abnormality irregularity eccentricity deviation transgression straying lapse aberrancy

  1. the experience might have been no more than a temporary aberration of an exhausted mind

Similar Words: disorder defect disease irregularity instability derangement vagary

No caption

A rainy country road flanked by green trees with water droplets on the camera lens.

Bare trees in a dense thicket against a blue sky with wispy clouds.

Almost positive this is one of the few instances where I managed to accidentally manifest an indistinguishable likeness from the moment of intent right at capture.



  1. doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case; “this proves beyond peradventure that he is innocent”
    • Less specific
      • doubt
      • uncertainty
      • incertitude
      • dubiety
      • doubtfulness
      • dubiousness


  1. by chance; “perhaps she will call tomorrow”; “we may possibly run into them at the concert”; “it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time”
    • Synonyms
      • possibly
      • perchance
      • perhaps
      • maybe
      • mayhap

Keka for iOS/iPadOS App Store Review

Keka for iOS/iPadOS App Icon

The best compression/extraction utility on the platform.

By far the most delightful compression/extraction utility for macOS (imo) is somewhat diminished in delightfulness in its mobile form, though not in its pure functionality. From the perspective of a year one iOS user with plenty of experience exploring what alternatives have been offered since the introduction of the File Provider API in iOS11, Keka for iOS/iPadOS' shear speed is distinct enough from its few platform competitors to warrant the title of Best such utility on the platform.

Also unique/notable:

Extracting individual YouTube video URLs from Playlists with yt-dlp

Since I’m a longtime Raindrop.io user, I handle plaintext, line-broken lists of raw URLs a lot, though I’m used to having to get them to that state myself by some fiddling or another.

I was very delighted, then, to find that my very first attempt at the very first solution I found in a search engine on a journey to figure out what the fuck Rally Phonk is resulted in a plain text list!

u/werid’s reply to a original poster in the youtubedl subreddit asking “Is it possible to extract individual videos links from YouTube playlist using yt-dlp or youtube-dl” is to credit for my success:

yt-dlp --flat-playlist -i --print-to-file url file.txt "playlist-url"

if you didn&#039;t immediately recognize which slice of this pie spent the whole meeting loudly farting their asses straight to hell, YOU are the problem.

Round table with divisions representing propane, E85, biodiesel, and electric/EV charging sectors, surrounded by green office chairs on wheels.

if you didn't immediately recognize which slice of this pie spent the whole meeting loudly farting their asses straight to hell, YOU are the problem.

thought I’d try taking the reflector out of this free Habor Freight headlamp and…

Close-up of a person's eyes with a bright light on their forehead, possibly from a headlamp, in black and white.

u ƃ ı s ǝ p

Promotional graphic for Apple TV+ with text that may contain inappropriate or altered content not officially associated with the mentioned service.

Craft Audio Sampler



A comprehensive index of the audio notifications/effects found in the cross-platform “productivity app” Craft.

See their recent blog post about it: https://www.craft.do/blog/designing-sound-in-craft

And more details/the individual sound files on this public Craft doc: https: //extratone.craft.me/craftsounds

How we designed sound in a productivity app like Craft



Craft Audio Sampler

<iframe src="https://whyp.it/tracks/embed?id=165358&showUser=false&showArtwork=true&showWhypBranding=false&size=compact" width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Craft Audio Sampler Sound Effects by David Blue | Listen on audio.com

<div style="height: 228px; width: 600px;"><iframe src="https://audio.com/embed/audio/1794141050383087?theme=image"
    style="display:block; border-radius: 6px; border: none; height: 204px; width: 600px;"></iframe><a href='https://audio.com/extratone' style="text-align: center; display: block; color: #A4ABB6; font-size: 12px; font-family: sans-serif; line-height: 16px; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis;">[@extratone](https://micro.blog/extratone)</a></div>















































































































David Blue ※ (@DavidBlue@mastodon.social)

Paste for macOS App Store Review

Though I’ve lamented recent changes to Paste’s iOS/iPadOS app, the macOS version remains just about perfect to use. It also remains the only application permanently bound to a global keyboard shortcut (`⌥``) on my aging (Monterey-limited,) Intel MacBook Pro, and its interface continues to delight as much as it did on first call, who knows how many years ago.

Paste Mac App Store Review

Finally got around to - once again - washing DAVÖD as thoroughly as I could last week. Discovered that the crud in all the door sills problem is not coming from car soap at the wash…

A blue hatchback car with its doors open in the foreground, parked at a car wash facility with "SOFT TOUCH" and "TOUCHLESS" service bays in the background.

why should he.

Bright yellow C-5 Corvette parked in front of a Casey's General store wearing the license plate "AARP."

Road Rage of The Deep

Below is an excerpt from my just-republished 2019 Volkswagen Atlas Review detailing my singular encounter with capital-r Road Rage in the entirety of my ~year driving for Uber/Lyft.

My only authentic Road Rage experience in some 5000 miles of rideshare driving occurred on All Hallow’s Eve when I stopped - no more illegally than usual - on the opposite corner from a popular downtown Mexican restaurant called The Nap with hazards and all courtesy interior lights shining. The car immediately behind me hesitated no more than necessary, but the Biggest Big Infiniti behind them (a QX80 - the Atlas' competitor) just… stopped. There was honking and frenzied, hoarse screaming of what the fuck are you doing? and such.

I responded with pleasantly amused but relatively-encouraging glances at the impersonal black mass of the Infiniti’s windshield through my mirrors. I rolled down the Atlas' driver’s side window and politely gestured that they go around me, but failed to coax any movement whatsoever from the ugly behemoth through at least two full cycles of the nearby traffic light. There must be some aquatic authority in the bulbous black ass of the QX80, for no one behind it seemed willing to pass either. The driver waited significantly longer than you’d imagine before emerging, huffy. She was wearing a classic poofy black North Face vest some sort of slate gray turtleneck. Nothing below these were stimulating enough to retain any memory of. Uggs?

How positive are you that the truth has absolutely zero consequence: contrasted silver-beige eyeliner and little eye contact, dirty-ish straight blonde hair over a spray-tanned face, exhibiting zero anxious tics or hesitation. She was obviously the New Matriarch, and she was obviously much more of an authority on traffic law than I. As she approached, she scanned the street as one naturally does when they enter a busy one… except it was completely empty, thanks to her blockade. She first informed me that I was “not supposed” to be stopped there. I tried to listen and respond with as much sincerity as possible as I realized all at once that my behavior had genuinely perturbed this woman - that her choice to leave the huge hideous warmth of the guppy wagon to speak as humans to one another required great courage.

I inserted the next logical question which I’d been screaming telepathically: can you not get around me? I began to pity her when I then saw in her face the distinct possibility that going around as a concept had not occurred to her whatsoever. She stuttered a wee bit in retorting “I could go around, but I don’t want to get a ticket.” Here, one of the most fascinating avenues of suburban psychology is explored: Guppy Mom is not being ingenuine with this expression, nor has she had an untoward experience with law enforcement, ever. Guppy Mom did know her excuse was bullshit - nobody has ever been written a traffic citation for carefully circumventing an obstacle in the road. Given the opportunity to interrogate this kernel of entirely uncompromising obedience to utterly delusional traffic law superstitions, I think we’d simply discover a life of unnaturally positive interactions with LEOs. We must conclude, then, that the source of her fear was either myself or the Atlas.

Granted, to her I am still a Young Man, and am therefore instinctively programmed to believe myself more informed than literally everyone - even the very foundational architects of modern civilization. Her Stucco Highness may have felt a representative of these builders (edgy take: she is in fact their servant.) Her own folks surely complain regularly about their distaste for disrespect, and my gig-economy, Austin Powers-looking ass was somehow disrespecting the order laid down by her would be (entirely fantastical) forefathers. Though her expression of her quaint fear of such “ugliness” (if you will) is hard-headed, an ugliest decision of hers (or her kin) idled behind me, its giant seafood-looking mouth gaping, unhinged.

At night, a yuppie middle-aged woman in a poofy vest screams and gestures at the parked uber in front of her gargantuan, whale-looking SUV.



  1. capital of the state of New Hampshire; located in south central New Hampshire on the Merrimack river

    • Synonyms
      • Concord
      • capital of New Hampshire
    • Part of
      • New Hampshire
      • Granite State
      • NH
      • N
    • Is a
      • state capital
  2. a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole

    • Synonyms
      • harmony
      • concordance
    • Less specific
      • order
    • More specific
      • peace
      • comity
      • agreement
      • accord
    • Related
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • consort
      • accord
      • concord
      • fit in
      • agree
      • consonant
      • harmonic
      • harmonical
      • harmonized
      • harmonised
      • harmonious
      • harmonious
      • proportionate
      • symmetrical
      • consonant
      • harmonic
      • harmonical
      • harmonized
      • harmonised
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • consort
      • accord
      • concord
      • fit in
      • agree
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • reconcile
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • reconcile
  3. the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations

    • Synonyms
      • agreement
    • Less specific
      • grammatical relation
    • More specific
      • number agreement
      • person agreement
      • case agreement
      • gender agreement
    • Related
      • concord
      • agree
  4. town in eastern Massachusetts near Boston where the first battle of the American Revolution was fought

    • Part of
      • Massachusetts
      • Bay State
      • Old Colony
      • MA
      • Mass
    • Is a
      • town
  5. agreement of opinions

    • Synonyms
      • harmony
      • concordance
    • Less specific
      • agreement
    • Related
      • concordant
      • concurring
      • agree
      • hold
      • concur
      • concord
      • agree
      • hold
      • concur
      • concord
      • concord
      • consonant
      • harmonic
      • harmonical
      • harmonized
      • harmonised
  6. the first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775)

    • Synonyms
      • Lexington
      • Concord
      • Lexington and Concord
    • Part of
      • American Revolution
      • American Revolutionary War
      • War of American Independence
      • American War of Independence
    • Is a
      • pitched battle
    • Region
      • Massachusetts
      • Bay State
      • Old Colony
      • MA
      • Mass


  1. go together; “The colors don’t harmonize”; “Their ideas concorded”
    • Synonyms
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • consort
      • accord
      • fit in
      • agree
    • Less specific
      • match
      • fit
      • correspond
      • check
      • jibe
      • gibe
      • tally
      • agree
    • More specific
      • coordinate
      • blend
      • go
      • blend in
    • Related
      • accordant
      • agreeable
      • conformable
      • consonant
      • concordant
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
      • accordant
      • accord
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
      • harmony
      • harmoniousness
  2. arrange by concord or agreement; “Concord the conditions for the marriage of the Prince of Wales with a commoner”
    • Less specific
      • arrange
      • fix up
    • Related
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
  3. arrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance; “The team concorded several thousand nouns, verbs, and adjectives”
    • Less specific
      • arrange
      • set up
    • Related
      • agreement
      • concord
      • concordance
  4. be in accord; be in agreement; “We agreed on the terms of the settlement”; “I can’t agree with you!”; “I hold with those who say life is sacred”; “Both philosophers concord on this point”
    • Synonyms
      • agree
      • hold
      • concur
    • Antonyms
      • disagree
      • differ
      • dissent
      • take issue
    • More specific
      • settle
      • reconcile
      • patch up
      • make up
      • conciliate
      • settle
      • see eye to eye
      • concede
      • yield
      • grant
      • subscribe
      • support
      • conclude
      • resolve
      • arrange
      • fix up
    • Related
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
      • concurrence
      • concurrency
      • agreeable
      • agreement


Middle English : from Old French concorde , from Latin concordia , from concors of one mind , from con- together + cor , cord- heart

English ⇨ Gregorian

  1. noun Formal : თანხმობა

to live in concord თანხმობით ცხოვრება

Grammar : შეთანხმება



  1. disputatious council meetings which occasionally ended in concord

Similar Words: agreement harmony accord consensus concurrence unity unanimity unison oneness concert

Opposites: disagreement discord

  1. a concord was to be drawn up

Similar Words: treaty agreement accord concordat entente compact pact protocol convention settlement