David Blue





  1. a constantly changing medley of real or imagined images (as in a dream)
    • Less specific
      • representation
      • mental representation
      • internal representation
    • Related
      • phantasmagoric
      • phantasmagorical
      • surreal
      • surrealistic
      • phantasmagoric
      • phantasmagorical
      • surreal
      • surrealistic

  1. a sequence of real or imaginary images like that seen in a dream what happened next was a phantasmagoria of horror and mystery


early 19th century (originally the name of a London exhibition (1802) of optical illusions produced chiefly by magic lantern): probably from French fantasmagorie , from fantasme phantasm + a fanciful suffix

Apple Music Replay 2023

Replay 2023 Album Art Grid

See the full-sized image here.



  1. state of disgrace resulting from public abuse
    • Synonyms
      • opprobrium
    • Less specific
      • shame
      • disgrace
      • ignominy
  2. a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone’s words or actions
    • Synonyms
      • defamation
      • calumny
      • calumniation
      • traducement
      • hatchet job
    • Less specific
      • disparagement
      • depreciation
      • derogation
    • More specific
      • character assassination
      • assassination
      • blackwash
      • smear
      • vilification
      • malignment
      • libel
      • slander
      • name calling
      • names
      • name
      • epithet
    • Related
      • badmouth
      • malign
      • traduce
      • drag through the mud
      • calumniatory
      • calumnious
      • defamatory
      • denigrative
      • denigrating
      • denigratory
      • libellous
      • libelous
      • slanderous
      • defame
      • slander
      • smirch
      • asperse
      • denigrate
      • calumniate
      • smear
      • sully
      • besmirch
      • defame
      • slander
      • smirch
      • asperse
      • denigrate
      • calumniate
      • smear
      • sully
      • besmirch


  1. strong public condemnation

he endured years of contempt and obloquy

disgrace, especially that brought about by public condemnation

conduct to which no more obloquy could reasonably attach


late Middle English : from late Latin obloquium contradiction , from Latin obloqui , from ob- against + loqui speak



  1. he endured years of contempt and obloquy

Similar Words: vilification opprobrium vituperation condemnation castigation denunciation abuse criticism censure flak defamation denigration disparagement derogation slander revilement reviling calumny calumniation execration excoriation lambasting upbraiding bad press character assassination attack invective libel insults aspersions mud-slinging bad-mouthing tongue-lashing stick verbal slagging off contumely animadversion objurgation

Opposites: praise

  1. conduct to which no moral obloquy could reasonably attach

Similar Words: disgrace dishonour shame discredit stigma humiliation loss of face ignominy odium opprobrium disfavour disrepute ill repute infamy notoriety scandal stain disesteem

Opposites: honour

Siri Simone Voicemail Greeting

As of iOS17, it would appear that responsibility for synthesizing the Default Greeting preview (locally on one’s device) has now fallen to whichever Siri voice you currently have selected in settings at the time.

Upon noticing this, I verified that the actual recording a missed caller will hear is the same (apparently carrier-side) as its been since before the trees and rocks on Earth and it occurred to me just how much better stock, out of the box Siri Voice 2 sounds than her, so I gave it a shot.

I plan to leave it as my greeting for the time being so - if you’re curious/require hearing what your missed callers will actually hear - horrendous noise and all - I would encourage you to call me, anytime). I do not experience or follow up with unknown callers unless they leave a voicemail… which I’d also be more than fine with you doing.

+1 (573) 823-4380




  1. written in the form of or carried on by letters or correspondence; “an endless sequence of epistolary love affairs”; “the epistolatory novel”
    • Synonyms
      • epistolatory
    • Similar to
      • informal
    • Related
      • epistle


  1. Literature (of a literary work) in the form of letters an epistolary novel

Literary relating to the writing of letters.


mid 17th century: from French épistolaire or Latin epistolaris, from epistola (see epistle)

being real…



  1. shout loudly and without restraint
    • Synonyms
      • bellow
    • Less specific
      • shout
    • Related
      • bellow
      • bellowing
      • holla
      • holler
      • hollering
      • hollo
      • holloa
      • roar
      • roaring
      • yowl
      • bellow
      • bellowing
      • holla
      • holler
      • hollering
      • hollo
      • holloa
      • roar
      • roaring
      • yowl
  2. make a raucous noise
    • Synonyms
      • yawp
    • Less specific
      • roar
      • howl
    • Related
      • roarer
      • bawler
      • bellower
      • screamer
      • screecher
      • shouter
      • yeller
  3. cry loudly; “Don’t bawl in public!”
    • Less specific
      • cry
      • weep
    • Related
      • bawler
  1. shout or call out noisily and unrestrainedly ‘Move!’ bawled the drill corporal | we don’t need fans bawling at us from two or three yards away | the manager was bawling instructions from the touchline

  2. weep or cry noisily one by one the children all started bawling | I sat on the couch and bawled my eyes out


  1. a loud, unrestrained shout he addressed every class in a terrifying bawl


late Middle English (in the sense (of an animal) howl, bark ): imitative; possibly related to medieval Latin baulare to bark or Icelandic baula to low



  1. ‘Come on, Simon!’ he bawled

Similar Words: shout call out cry out cry yell roar bellow screech scream shriek howl whoop bark growl snarl bluster vociferate trumpet thunder yammer holler

Opposites: whisper

  1. the children continued to bawl

Similar Words: cry sob weep shed tears wail blubber snivel whimper whine howl squall blub greet ululate


  1. he addressed the class in a terrifying bawl

Similar Words: shout yell cry roar bellow screech scream howl whoop holler

Opposites: whisper

Diamond Bay Car Wash (Google Review)

Diamond Bay Car Wash Street View

Sorry about the narrative - I found the experience about to recount oddly significant.

Its gist:

I was visiting my sister’s lake house this past June (the 18th I believe) having just taken my first road trip in 4 years in my (new to me) Golf. I had gotten the car fairly dirty on my way there - having driven the longest route I could from Columbia, basically. I asked my brother-in-law about car washes in the area and he mentioned “the one behind Break Time,” though couldn’t tell me whether or not it was still opened.

With post-COVID hours, I was pushing it when I arrived at ~10:40PM with like 3 quarters to my name. So freakin thankful, immediately, that no music was being played (the last do-it-yourself washes in Columbia - Lighthouse Car Wash - play pop radio so loud it’s actually hard to concentrate.) I was curious about the prospect of using my debit card as soon as I saw the sign indicating that it had to be done in a singular location, where I found an (absolutely adorable, apparently locally made?) interface that appeared to be stuck on the authorization screen for a prior transaction.

Before I proceeded - and perhaps actually relevant to purpose of such a review (sorry) - I walked up to the Break Time, where the last shift was closing solo. I brought up the car wash and she immediately noted that they “hadn’t heard from them in months,” and that the store ⇨ wash payment processing hadn’t been working since she’d started there.


I decided to at least try rebooting the on-site payment terminal with the master breaker switch (which is very large and very visibly placed, I should say,) if only because I thought it’d be interesting to watch such a legacy, time-worn piece of automation come back to life.

…and it was! I got to see the terminal boot from a quite sophisticated script and the sound of everything settling into place was enchanting, pitifully.

Unfortunately, though this did clear the error, it landed on (and got stuck) the exact same error when I tried my card lol

I had enough cash to rinse my car off, which was all I really needed in the end. That evening was one I’ll never forget (for other reasons too,) and I would encourage the owners of that car wash - if they happen to see this - to contact MFA Corporate (my employers) at their main phone number. Ya never know - they’ve expanded stores a lot and they might be interested in the property.



  1. being of use or service; “the girl felt motherly and useful”; “a useful job”; “a useful member of society”
    • Synonyms
      • useful
    • Antonyms
      • useless
    • Similar to
      • handy
      • multipurpose
      • reclaimable
      • recyclable
      • reusable
      • serviceable
      • useable
      • usable
      • utilitarian
      • utilizable
    • See also
      • effective
      • effectual
      • efficacious
      • expedient
      • helpful
      • profitable
      • serviceable
    • Attributes
      • utility
      • usefulness
    • Related
      • utility
      • usefulness
  1. rare advantageous I deplored the killing of them for merely utile purposes


  1. Plant a large tropical African hardwood tree with timber that is widely used as a substitute for mahogany


1950s : modern Latin , specific epithet (see above)

I finally bought the least popular Seiko 5 color!

I can see why, now… the face isn’t exactly readable.

but boy, it’s so stupid how long I let myself exist without wearing an analog wristwatch when I know better.

might be on time, finally.

(taken with my #iPhone4S)

#Seiko5 #womw

My First Ever OpenStreetMap Contribution

Shaw Substation Image

Shaw Substation Registration

Excited to contribute my first “commit.” The iOS app is really something, ain’t it?

OSM Export Image


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