I finally bought the least popular Seiko 5 color!

I can see why, now… the face isn’t exactly readable.

but boy, it’s so stupid how long I let myself exist without wearing an analog wristwatch when I know better.

might be on time, finally.

(taken with my #iPhone4S)

#Seiko5 #womw

My First Ever OpenStreetMap Contribution

Excited to contribute my first “commit.” The iOS app is really something, ain’t it? Changeset Page Diary Page Source Node Source - https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/11336750663 Changeset Source <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osm version="0.6" generator="CGImap 0.8.9 (1855409 spike-07.openstreetmap.org)" copyright="OpenStreetMap and contributors" attribution="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" license="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"> <changeset id="143839719" created_at="2023-11-09T21:21:25Z" closed_at="2023-11-09T21:21:25Z" open="false" user="extratone" uid="13679993" min_lat="38.9848318" min_lon="-92.2089808" max_lat="38.9848318" max_lon="-92.2089808" comments_count="0" changes_count="1"> <tag k="comment" v="This is my first commit! Always welcome feedback."/> <tag k="created_by" v="Go Map!

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Gas Price Sign Update

A manual (non-digital) Break Time primary fuel price sign. Gas Price Sign Update To date, the most utile function I’ve yet found for ChatGPT: helping me streamline the process of changing the non-digital price signs at my gas station job. Gas Price Sign Update Shared by David Blue via ChatGPTchat.openai.com You: I need to change the (physical, non-digital) price signs of my gas station. If I tell you the current values on the sign for each of the 3 displayed grades and the new values they need to be, can you tell me which individual numbers I need to bring out with me and in which order to slide them in?

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Adjective extremely scanty; “an exiguous budget” Similar to meager meagre meagerly stingy scrimpy Related meagerness meagreness leanness poorness scantiness scantness exiguity exiguous - LookUp adjective formal very small in size or amount my exiguous musical resources Origin mid 17th century : from Latin exiguus scanty (from exigere weigh exactly ) + -ous Thesaurus Adjective the exiguous post-war sugar ration Similar Words: meagre inadequate insufficient small scant scanty paltry negligible limited restricted modest sparse spare deficient skimpy short little miserable pitiful puny miserly beggarly measly stingy pathetic piddling

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Messed around with LightRoom for far too long early this morning and… well, you guessed it. At least I finally got around to trying such a thing and never have to again lmao.

The Drywall Whiteboard

Last known capture of the Drywall Media/Extratone whiteboard, December 14 (Titanic Day,) 2016. He Carries His His - KOPN rimes Ninh Him DIE ANTWOORD -Paper Shredder ORSTERENCE ADSENSE BoxeR Children Ding RiOw what cao s NELLY -GRILLZ=arl. 1,ong9 Brave Litte Tuaste i Pimp my Ride - Đ’Đ”ŃĐŸŃ‚Đ” cultured MONSANTO Auplicitous

Creating a one-liner for Secure ShellFish widgets

Creating a one-liner for Secure ShellFish widgets Attempting to use ChatGPT to help me craft a one-liner command for Secure ShellFish’s widgets. You: I am looking for a method to output current performance values (like current % cpu, for instance) of a macos machine to the command line standard output. ChatGPT: To monitor and output current performance values, including CPU usage, of a macOS machine to the command line standard output, you can use various commands and utilities.

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Adjective marked by qualities giving the power to produce an intended effect; “written propaganda is less efficacious than the habits and prejudices
of the readers”-Aldous Huxley; “the medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough” Antonyms inefficacious Similar to effective See also effective effectual efficacious Attributes efficacy efficaciousness Related efficacy efficaciousness efficacy efficaciousness producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect; “an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch’s broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation”-LewisMumford; “effective teaching methods”; “effective steps toward peace”; “made an effective entrance”; “his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action”; “an efficacious law” Synonyms effective effectual Antonyms ineffective uneffective ineffectual Similar to hard-hitting trenchant impelling impressive telling rough-and-ready See also efficacious efficient potent strong stiff powerful useful utile Attributes effectiveness effectivity effectualness effectuality Related efficacy efficaciousness efficacy efficaciousness effectiveness effectivity effectualness effectuality effectiveness effectivity effectualness effectuality effect effectuate set up effectiveness effectivity effectualness effectuality effectiveness effectivity effectualness effectuality efficacious - LookUp adjective formal (of something inanimate or abstract) successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective this treatment was efficacious in some cases Thesaurus Adjective

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Adobers and I spent our bi-yearly morning together.

Young woman turned back to look at camera beneath a dusk rainbow.

Obsidian: Automatically Adding Public Obsidian Publish URLs to Notes?

Obsidian Forums Obsidian Discord WTF Howdy folks! I hope I’m not missing something - I’ve searched the forums, subreddit, etc. off and on for the past few months for any discussion on the matter, but haven’t found anything quite directly related enough to get me started on my own solution, so I thought I’d reach out. I’ve been playing around with Publish for a lil bit, though I have been putting off investigating methods of customizing how permalinks are published.

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Adjective conducive to peace; “irenic without being namby-pamby”; “an irenic attitude toward former antagonists” Similar to peaceful peaceable irenic - LookUp adjective formal aiming or aimed at peace noun Theology a part of Christian theology concerned with reconciling different denominations and sects Origin mid 19th century : from Greek eir ēnikos , from eir ēnē peace .

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Who wore it better?

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

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Clippings Backup Taio Action

GitHub Issue URL Scheme - taio://actions?action=run&name=Clippings%20Backup WTF This action uses the Get Clippings action step to return the content of all clippings, which is then counted by lines and backed up (by default) in the root of one’s iCloud Drive storage for Taio as clippings.md. (iCloud Drive/Taio/Editor/clippings.md) Before finishing, the action displays the number of lines it has backed up. Video Demo Source GitHub Pastery WTF (function(d, s, id) {var js, pastejs = d.

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Open in RoadStr Siri Shortcut

Open an Apple Maps location in RoadStr from the share sheet. GitHub Issue iCloud Share Link Showcuts Source Repo File An extremely simple, but pointed Siri Shortcut for opening Apple Maps locations as waypoints in RoadStr’s map view, directly from the share sheet by constructing and then opening a URL in the following syntax: https://app.roadstr.io/custom?screen=map&location={longitude,latitude} Video Demo Raw Video File Imgur

Approaching Catcalling with Care

“This conversation explores non-confrontational approaches to deter catcalling, offering insights on supporting victims and engaging with authorities, while emphasizing empathy, understanding, and safety.” You: What is the best way to dissuade a repeat offender from catcalling without involving law enforcement? ChatGPT: Addressing catcalling without involving law enforcement can be challenging but here are some non-legal approaches you can consider: Stay assertive and confident: If you feel safe doing so, respond firmly and confidently to the catcaller, making it clear that their behavior is unacceptable.

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