David Blue

Oblivion and the assumption of violent intentions from extra terrestrials

Hey Microblog, here’s um a 24 minute or something clip of me in May of 2013 talking about aliens.

I don’t even know how I recorded it because I can’t for myself to listen to it long enough but I figured it’s about the right sort of content to um um to put here.

Good luck, I hope it’s worth it.

So I’ve just been to see the movie Oblivion um haven’t seen a movie in uh in theaters in a very long time so yeah um just want to I would like to preface this by saying that I haven’t slept for uh a while not like a week or anything but it’s been it’s been a few days so whatever argument I’m able to come up with will likely be quite fragmented um and also I know nothing of uh Oblivion.

I guess it was a novel, I have literally no interest in it beyond basically I saw the trailer for the movie and I was like well that might interest me so I went to see it.

Um essentially an extraterrestrial being I think it’s really one oh by the way this is going to be this is going to be filled with spoilers uh I can’t I cannot believe that I actually just gave a spoiler warning in a video but you know so it’s going to be filled with plot spoilers um essentially this extraterrestrial uh being comes and uh through a process of manipulation um takes some of NASA’s greatest astronauts I think it’s just two of them actually and genetically duplicates them uh in order to later use them to repair the machinery that they use to collect energy from the earth’s oceans.

I’m assuming there’s something to do with fusion reactions and hydrogen and stuff that I don’t understand complicated chemical things um so yeah I mean it was Tom Cruise is in the movie so the entire time I just heard take my breath away just on a loop especially during the sex scene which of course they had to insert the dialogue was absolutely awful uh the screenwriting was terrible at least for the first part of the movie and then um it became a little bit better but it was it was bad it was very very bad but hey the movie actually was interesting and uh that was a plus and this is not a review so I need to shut up about that kind of stuff um I should also preface by explaining that I basically grew up with Star Trek the Star Trek franchise um and you might you know whatever your thoughts on that whether you’ve never seen an episode of Star Trek uh whether you don’t care at all about I mean one thing I would ask you to do uh as a favor for me is to not take um any violence uh or hmm how can I say this to not pay attention to the new movies uh as a part of the Star Trek that Gene Roddenberry envisioned and regardless of whether you acknowledge it or not Gene Roddenberry was the visionary behind Star Trek in my personal opinion the original series was not the series that he originally uh was not the embodiment of his ideals but rather the platform for him to step up to reveal the next generation which was more of what he wanted but obviously I can’t put words in his mouth I didn’t know the man uh although you know I wish that I could have but so basically again I grew up I’ve been watching Star Trek since I can remember um and instilled in me through Star Trek and something I’ve decided upon is the assumption that uh other species coming from um other planets non-humanoids with intelligence uh would not be and it just there’s no there’s no reason to assume that they’d be violent um and that’s essentially the point of this video uh and I obviously I’m not going to be able to provide a hugely backed argument uh my actual intention is to write an essay on this in which I coherently argue coherently form some sort of argument um so what was I talking about here oh and then maybe possibly write a screenplay in which rather than uh immediately you know assuming that an extraterrestrial entity I’ll just abbreviate it to E.T.

yay E.T.

that’s really fun uh I feel like a history channel guest right now um that E.T.’s would be wait what was I saying sorry I’m basically sustained by caffeine right now okay screenplay in which E.T.’s would not be violent in which the actual conflict in the story um would be overcoming our ideals uh our preconceived notions that are pushed by movies like oblivion like uh the fourth kind like signs those are just a few movies that have scared the shit out of me because I I um am very afraid of alien movies which is ironic considering what I’m about to tell you um and I just think that that that I’d like to write a screenplay in which we deal dealt with a realistic conflict maybe something that you know would be less uh of a fear-mongering franchise so getting back to oblivion um before the show I actually saw previews for the television series Skyfall I think it is um which is blatantly about a conflict between humans and extraterrestrials of course humans are the good guys of course it’s always the way it is um and the thought running through my mind was oh god you know here comes more of this shit we’ve got transformers and and whatever the hell else uh I mean transformers actually you know there are allies within that are that are not human but I in general it’s still uh assuming it’s better though it’s still assuming that a violent um violent intentions from E.T.’s so uh you know I had the thought of wow great that looks great and the funny thing is I ended up having similar thoughts about oblivion not that I didn’t expect that but um so if you notice through movies like I’ve mentioned other uh horror movies where the E.T.’s are the the monsters the the antagonists the obstacle to be overcome and it’s always the humans that are the victims um I mean actually actually District 9 would actually be a very a very uh a movie against what I my argument or um with my argument rather so that’s great I I enjoyed that movie but I don’t remember if I enjoyed it as much as I remember I did that’s completely anyway so um our society continually pushes the assumption that any extraterrestrial contact would be violent and that’s it I mean and and anytime you mention extraterrestrials it’s fear like if I go out and say aliens I mean even in a joking sort of uh humorous sense someone’s going to immediately associate that with fear unless they’ve been watching Star Trek and they actually are cognitively aware of the message that’s being pushed by and you know I could uh if I was more of a conspiracy theorist I could theorize that all of these mainstream um franchises that push fear uh fear of extraterrestrials have an agenda um possibly that may rationalize future persecution of extraterrestrial visitors who knows um possibly even uh you could even say that the fact that maybe members of our government have made contact uh with with ets and they are hiding uh persecution and conditioning us to um accept conditioning us to be uh violent and fearful of any sort of concept of extraterrestrial intelligence but I don’t believe that uh yeah but it’s very possible so you know that’s that’s not something that’s out of the realm of possibility and I’m not going to assume that anything I say is truth uh here so that’s you know ets very well might be violent um but I’m going to live by the assumption uh that in general entities in this universe once they’ve overcome um some irrational thoughts what they’ve once they’ve built up a society in which they can travel such a distance to come visit us they’ve probably eradicated any notion of government religion fear of change and difference um so they’re probably you know a little bit uh less violent than any given human being but obviously there’s variations within a species and uh I’m going a little bit too far into territory that I would uh yell at any other individual for doing that in in basically speaking on behalf of the species any species so I do want to make sure make it clear that individuals still hold the power of decision and that it’s not uh society as a whole or species as a whole or planet as a whole so um and I’m never going to say that an individual should or should not voice a certain perspective especially in art um but really in any medium I mean that’s so you know I’m never ever going to for instance participate in democratic legislation against movies that portray ets as violent never going to do that so uh never going to tell anyone that hey you shouldn’t do that but I will point out what it’s doing to our species what it’s making our species look like potentially to any et uh that is considering contact with us um it may sound crazy but it’s really not I mean there is a very very I mean it is very possible and and actually likely that we share the universe with with intelligent beings um it is also uh I would argue likely that said beings are considering contact with us once we’ve reached a certain development uh in ideas eradicating religion government and fear of change those are the three things that I’ve written down because they’re pretty much uh what cause the majority of suffering the majority of hate and violence so you know um once we’ve reached a certain stage and this is very that’s a very it’s a roddenberry and it’s a very star trek argument um if you know this series like the the the vulcans observing uh the planet earth until it reached a stage it was kind of a an odd time in star trek canon for uh that how that story goes for the human species because they had just uh finished a genetic and nuclear war um but uh that’s that’s sort of what I that’s really what I would argue is that you know it’s very likely that a being or beings are out there waiting for us and observing us not as in the they’re you know sticking probes in you and every bit of conversation you’ve ever spoken has been monitored by extraterrestrials um but please I mean be aware that every every signal ever sent cell phone signals um uh bluetooth wireless uh 2.4 gigahertz coming from off of uh wireless routers it all goes into space and you may say well it dissipates and but who’s to say that a technology that a civilization with the technology to actually travel a distance here does not have very very advanced radio technology able to pick up uh say my I don’t have a bluetooth headset but say I had a bluetooth headset pick up my conversation from um alpha centauri you know as an example they probably I you know who knows we you just can’t decide that uh we can fathom something like that or decide that it because we can’t fathom it it doesn’t exist sorry I’m really rambling here um but hey that’s why it’s it’s called I don’t know what it’s called yet so yeah but personally on an individual level for me our society’s fear of ets and our constant uh assumption I shouldn’t say our society’s constant assumption that ets would be violent in contact is embarrassing and frankly I want to distance myself from it as much as possible in the in my own self-interest for possibly contacting uh ets I would be very interested though it’s very unlikely I would love to see human beings make first contact with another race uh before I die before my lifespan is over that’s probably not going to happen uh given the current ideals that we have um but that would be something that would be hugely emotional for me uh and obviously it would be hugely emotional for anyone but but for me specifically be very it’s something that I like to see basically um so it is it is embarrassing and frankly I’d love to just say hey I’d love to broadcast this show and say hey t’s you can you know come contact me and I’ll I’ll be cool about it I’m a student of Gene Roddenberry uh but yeah that’s not really how it works is it so okay let’s just take a hypothetical situation the movie the fourth kind that movie scared the shit out of me um and that’s literally the only horror movies that have ever scared me have been relating to extraterrestrials simply because well actually I couldn’t really quantify that in this argument it’s not really relevant necessarily but um that movie imagine how offensive if you’ve seen it how offensive the view of extraterrestrials in that movie would be to an ET that’s that happens to catch it up or happens to catch it one day on HBO um they’re sitting there and and here these ETs are I mean saying I’m your god uh they they’ve come here specifically well for no real rational reason just to terrify us and make great movies um I I mean if you were an ET see that uh we’re never coming here that’s absolutely horrifying what are they going to do to us if this is what they think of ETs you know I’m never going near this planet ever that’s you know the mentality that it would be absolutely offensive assuming you know they’re thinking on the on the same uh basic terms as I am which is probably not the greatest of assumptions but you know and if not just defensive it’s probably just horrifying and disgusting I’m disgusted by it so uh I can’t imagine why uh essentially the target of that wouldn’t be disgusted by it I mean it’s it’s essentially like uh and it parallels um racism sexism any doctrine that’s assuming because someone right because an individual is a certain race or a certain sex or a certain species or from a certain planet or a certain age they have inherent traits that define their individuality because of that um and quantifying them only because only by that I mean so that’s essentially like the fourth kind imagine if you just replace the extraterrestrials in the fourth kind with uh african-americans black people coming in your home stealing you and doing experiments on you drugging you wiping your memory I mean that’s and I could actually draw parallels from what we are doing currently to uh animals what we do to animals and experimentation if you think about it it’s really not that different but again that’s another argument so essentially the fear-mongering uh that movies like oblivion like the fourth kind push um in regards to the assumption of violent intentions from ets is ridiculous embarrassing disgusting ridiculous um obviously it’s artistic expression so it’s fine you know but I’d just like to point out what exactly you’re saying by that um never gonna tell you frankly it’s entertaining it’s entertaining to watch oblivion uh it’s a story like any other story it’s literature I mean and um it’s emotional uh it it’s a great conception of it’s a great well it’s a great story that’s basically all I can say not that it was the screenplay itself was written all that well but I’d definitely be interested in reading the novel I’m not sure what I can say uh that I I know I had more to say but I can’t particularly remember what it was oh I guess um a lot of folks would argue that ets are not worth considering in daily life you know just kind of wait for it to happen that kind of mentality but the reality is you don’t know if it’s not having right happening right now yeah there’s no way there’s no way to tell certainly that our transmissions aren’t being monitored by ets considering first contact with us um and maybe we should clean up the act I mean damn think about what ets are seeing right now they’re seeing all of the speeches from nazi germany being broadcast that’s a favorite in star trek uh they’re seeing um that well they’re seeing all of the efforts that our schools of psychology have gone through they’ve seen the milgram experiment they’ve seen oh especially they’ve seen from people like billy graham they’ve seen religious broadcasts I mean just think of how fucking scary it would be for an et to watch any of the sunday morning church shows on you know pbs or whatever the hell that those channels are I don’t know what they are to watch any of our horror movies our et horror movies on hbo what we see our concept of fear what we consider fear or what we’re fearful of most is something different something outside of our own self obviously that’s a argument that has been well worn out and uh should be a basic assumption I would think now it’s it’s a blatant part of of of human nature um god I hate that term human nature I’ve used a bunch of terms that I don’t like uh tonight but I suppose I could just keep talking and wait for a more coherent argument to show up um make some Tom Cruise sex jokes I swear like uh every time I see Tom Cruise’s face it’s just take my breath away and obviously it’s not a romantic thing uh but uh or maybe it is who knows maybe in the deep bows of my unconscious I am actually attracted to Tom Cruise yeah that chick that was in Top Gear with him that he uh did the did the sex with to that song had a pretty badass Porsche 356 absolutely gorgeous car just to point that out so I mean I have no idea what can be done as a solution to this problem I don’t think there’s I’m never again going to say that a solution would involve censoring artistic expression but I think with maybe there is no solution that should be taken except on an individual level look inside yourself and this is one individual telling a group of individuals so it’s still kind of action on a group level but look inside yourself and think about the implications of your fear think about the implications of the message that you’re sending to I mean potential allies um think about what you’re doing to me I’m not going to be on this earth for first contact because of you fucks and obviously you’re obligated to follow my own doctrine right no no absolutely not so I guess those are my thoughts um again I plan on writing a screenplay and or or some sort of maybe even a novel I’d love to write a novel on this to write a novel on that’s um where the actual the actual conflict to be overcome is not 80s um the happy ending is not the destruction of the aliens but rather the happy ending is the uh friendship between two species um well really between individuals of two species um after overcoming hate uh irrational thought um religion and government there you go so yeah whether I’ll actually write that or not is a different story but thanks for listening as if you know you’re uh you’re doing me a service by listening to what I have to say you’re not wow I am I should just really just keep continue talking because without sleep my brain just picks random arguments from out of nowhere that I am going to reference in sarcasm so I’m going to leave now I’m going to stop talking um and these have been my thoughts on this particular movie Oblivion and the assumption of violent intentions from ETs in our society I think it’s bad it’s really really bad okay hey pitch ET sitcom huh yeah