
  1. state of disgrace resulting from public abuse
    • Synonyms
      • opprobrium
    • Less specific
      • shame
      • disgrace
      • ignominy
  2. a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone’s words or actions
    • Synonyms
      • defamation
      • calumny
      • calumniation
      • traducement
      • hatchet job
    • Less specific
      • disparagement
      • depreciation
      • derogation
    • More specific
      • character assassination
      • assassination
      • blackwash
      • smear
      • vilification
      • malignment
      • libel
      • slander
      • name calling
      • names
      • name
      • epithet
    • Related
      • badmouth
      • malign
      • traduce
      • drag through the mud
      • calumniatory
      • calumnious
      • defamatory
      • denigrative
      • denigrating
      • denigratory
      • libellous
      • libelous
      • slanderous
      • defame
      • slander
      • smirch
      • asperse
      • denigrate
      • calumniate
      • smear
      • sully
      • besmirch
      • defame
      • slander
      • smirch
      • asperse
      • denigrate
      • calumniate
      • smear
      • sully
      • besmirch


  1. strong public condemnation

he endured years of contempt and obloquy

disgrace, especially that brought about by public condemnation

conduct to which no more obloquy could reasonably attach


late Middle English : from late Latin obloquium contradiction , from Latin obloqui , from ob- against + loqui speak



  1. he endured years of contempt and obloquy

Similar Words: vilification opprobrium vituperation condemnation castigation denunciation abuse criticism censure flak defamation denigration disparagement derogation slander revilement reviling calumny calumniation execration excoriation lambasting upbraiding bad press character assassination attack invective libel insults aspersions mud-slinging bad-mouthing tongue-lashing stick verbal slagging off contumely animadversion objurgation

Opposites: praise

  1. conduct to which no moral obloquy could reasonably attach

Similar Words: disgrace dishonour shame discredit stigma humiliation loss of face ignominy odium opprobrium disfavour disrepute ill repute infamy notoriety scandal stain disesteem

Opposites: honour