
  1. consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one’s mind
    • Less specific
      • chew over
      • think over
      • meditate
      • ponder
      • excogitate
      • contemplate
      • muse
      • reflect
      • mull
      • mull over
      • ruminate
      • speculate
    • Related
      • cogitative
      • cogitation
      • cogitation
      • study
  2. use or exercise the mind or one’s power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; “I’ve been thinking all day and getting nowhere”
    • Synonyms
      • think
      • cerebrate
    • More specific
      • puzzle over
      • rationalize
      • rationalise
      • think
      • philosophize
      • philosophise
      • brainstorm
      • chew over
      • think over
      • meditate
      • ponder
      • excogitate
      • contemplate
      • muse
      • reflect
      • mull
      • mull over
      • ruminate
      • speculate
      • reason
      • reason
      • reason out
      • conclude
      • evaluate
      • pass judgment
      • judge
      • study
      • meditate
      • contemplate
      • plan
      • associate
      • tie in
      • relate
      • link
      • colligate
      • link up
      • connect
      • concentrate
      • focus
      • center
      • centre
      • pore
      • rivet
      • give
      • pay
      • devote
      • think about
      • think
      • think
    • See also
      • chew over
      • think over
      • meditate
      • ponder
      • excogitate
      • contemplate
      • muse
      • reflect
      • mull
      • mull over
      • ruminate
      • speculate
      • think out
      • think up
      • think of
      • dream up
      • hatch
      • concoct
    • Related
      • thinking
      • thought
      • thought process
      • cerebration
      • intellection
      • mentation
      • cogitative
      • cogitative
      • cogitation
      • study
      • thinking
      • thought
      • thought process
      • cerebration
      • intellection
      • mentation
      • think
      • thinker
      • creative thinker
      • mind
      • thinker
      • thinking
      • thought
      • thought process
      • cerebration
      • intellection
      • mentation


  1. formal think deeply about something; meditate or reflect

he stroked his beard and retired to cogitate


late 16th century : from Latin cogitat- considered , from the verb cogitare , from co- together + agitare turn over, consider



  1. you were cogitating on some great matter

Similar Words: think think about contemplate consider give thought to give consideration to mull over meditate meditate on muse muse on ponder ponder on ponder over reflect reflect on deliberate deliberate about deliberate on ruminate ruminate about ruminate on ruminate over dwell on brood brood on brood over agonize agonize over worry worry about chew over puzzle puzzle over speculate about weigh up revolve turn over in one’s mind review study be in a brown study put on one’s thinking cap pore on cerebrate