
  1. capital of the state of New Hampshire; located in south central New Hampshire on the Merrimack river

    • Synonyms
      • Concord
      • capital of New Hampshire
    • Part of
      • New Hampshire
      • Granite State
      • NH
      • N
    • Is a
      • state capital
  2. a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole

    • Synonyms
      • harmony
      • concordance
    • Less specific
      • order
    • More specific
      • peace
      • comity
      • agreement
      • accord
    • Related
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • consort
      • accord
      • concord
      • fit in
      • agree
      • consonant
      • harmonic
      • harmonical
      • harmonized
      • harmonised
      • harmonious
      • harmonious
      • proportionate
      • symmetrical
      • consonant
      • harmonic
      • harmonical
      • harmonized
      • harmonised
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • consort
      • accord
      • concord
      • fit in
      • agree
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • reconcile
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • reconcile
  3. the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations

    • Synonyms
      • agreement
    • Less specific
      • grammatical relation
    • More specific
      • number agreement
      • person agreement
      • case agreement
      • gender agreement
    • Related
      • concord
      • agree
  4. town in eastern Massachusetts near Boston where the first battle of the American Revolution was fought

    • Part of
      • Massachusetts
      • Bay State
      • Old Colony
      • MA
      • Mass
    • Is a
      • town
  5. agreement of opinions

    • Synonyms
      • harmony
      • concordance
    • Less specific
      • agreement
    • Related
      • concordant
      • concurring
      • agree
      • hold
      • concur
      • concord
      • agree
      • hold
      • concur
      • concord
      • concord
      • consonant
      • harmonic
      • harmonical
      • harmonized
      • harmonised
  6. the first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775)

    • Synonyms
      • Lexington
      • Concord
      • Lexington and Concord
    • Part of
      • American Revolution
      • American Revolutionary War
      • War of American Independence
      • American War of Independence
    • Is a
      • pitched battle
    • Region
      • Massachusetts
      • Bay State
      • Old Colony
      • MA
      • Mass


  1. go together; “The colors don’t harmonize”; “Their ideas concorded”
    • Synonyms
      • harmonize
      • harmonise
      • consort
      • accord
      • fit in
      • agree
    • Less specific
      • match
      • fit
      • correspond
      • check
      • jibe
      • gibe
      • tally
      • agree
    • More specific
      • coordinate
      • blend
      • go
      • blend in
    • Related
      • accordant
      • agreeable
      • conformable
      • consonant
      • concordant
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
      • accordant
      • accord
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
      • harmony
      • harmoniousness
  2. arrange by concord or agreement; “Concord the conditions for the marriage of the Prince of Wales with a commoner”
    • Less specific
      • arrange
      • fix up
    • Related
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
  3. arrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance; “The team concorded several thousand nouns, verbs, and adjectives”
    • Less specific
      • arrange
      • set up
    • Related
      • agreement
      • concord
      • concordance
  4. be in accord; be in agreement; “We agreed on the terms of the settlement”; “I can’t agree with you!”; “I hold with those who say life is sacred”; “Both philosophers concord on this point”
    • Synonyms
      • agree
      • hold
      • concur
    • Antonyms
      • disagree
      • differ
      • dissent
      • take issue
    • More specific
      • settle
      • reconcile
      • patch up
      • make up
      • conciliate
      • settle
      • see eye to eye
      • concede
      • yield
      • grant
      • subscribe
      • support
      • conclude
      • resolve
      • arrange
      • fix up
    • Related
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
      • harmony
      • concord
      • concordance
      • concurrence
      • concurrency
      • agreeable
      • agreement


Middle English : from Old French concorde , from Latin concordia , from concors of one mind , from con- together + cor , cord- heart

English ⇨ Gregorian

  1. noun Formal : თანხმობა

to live in concord თანხმობით ცხოვრება

Grammar : შეთანხმება



  1. disputatious council meetings which occasionally ended in concord

Similar Words: agreement harmony accord consensus concurrence unity unanimity unison oneness concert

Opposites: disagreement discord

  1. a concord was to be drawn up

Similar Words: treaty agreement accord concordat entente compact pact protocol convention settlement