
  1. an energetic style
    • Synonyms
      • vitality
    • Less specific
      • energy
      • muscularity
      • vigor
      • vigour
      • vim
    • More specific
      • sparkle
      • twinkle
      • spark
      • light
    • Related
      • lively
      • vital

verve - LookUp


  1. vigour and spirit or enthusiasm Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility


late 17th century (denoting special talent in writing): from French , vigour , earlier form of expression , from Latin verba words



  1. I played most sports with schoolboy verve

Similar Words: enthusiasm vigour energy pep dynamism go elan vitality vivacity buoyancy liveliness animation sprightliness zest sparkle effervescence fizz spirit spiritedness ebullience life dash brio fervour gusto eagerness keenness passion zeal relish feeling ardour fire fieriness drive forcefulness force strength determination motivation push vehemence fanaticism zing zip vim punch get-up-and-go pizzazz oomph feistiness

Urban Dictionary

**Originally called simply Verve until conflicts with the jazz label Verve caused the name-change to The Verve.

Famous for their hit songs Bittersweet Symphony, The Drugs Don’t Work and others.

The band split up after their final (and arguably greatest) 1997 album Urban Hymns, but still nothing quite equals them today. They don’t write a few hit songs and a lot of filler, they write a whole CD of great music.**

“Cause it’s a bitter sweet symphony, that’s life.”