
(as I commented)

Dude this video gave me so much in so little time, it’s stupid.

  • I grew up on a farm until I was 14 where fiddling with small engines (which I never got tired of and realized I’ve missed quite a lot thanks to this experience) and interacting with centrifugal clutches (one of those things that sounds really neat in theory but just leaves you wanting for - and suffering without - basically any of the other options lol)
  • Adjacent to go karts but somehow still haven’t got the opportunity to actually figure out to Do The Thing - always wondered. Kinda same thing with pouring concrete. Watching you poke your way through both for the first time felt like a real luxury haha.
  • Been watching Sarah’s build videos for a year or so now, always absolutely flabbergasted at the diligence… the persistence… the intelligence… all the while doing like 5 full time people’s jobs in video production, with much reverence but zero resonance with my own bumpkin ass behavior in similar pursuits. Curious because getting to capital R Relate with her and y’all’s troubleshooting here does have value, turns out.

Remembering BYTE Magazine

What today’s tech journalism must learn again from the legendary computer publication. This is a very much unfinished bit I began writing in November 2020 and just found in my Dropbox Paper archive. Long-dead BYTE Magazine gained some exposure this time last year when some of its gorgeous retro-futurist cover art - of Robert Tinney’s hand - circulated about Tumblr and Pinterest. It is fucking beautiful, yes, but I was then quite disappointed to find little in the way of the publication’s actual content available on the web.

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Glass Profile Ingestion

As much as I genuinely enjoyed my free trial + then some paid time using Glass, I’m just not able/interested in image capture right now to continue paying $6.99 a month for it. I was pretty excited, then, to discover that micro.blog’s macOS app offers support for importing the .zip profile export files Glass creates, and to report that I have imported 18 images from my profile to this blog successfully.

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Two YouTube Favorites of "My" Era

The Tangerine Knight ...some men just want a tangerine. Michael Caine https://youtu.be/ZS6bD3SpIvk Slick’s 2009 Airventure Comp

Marquis Trill's First Twitter Space

Some time in late Summer 2021, I stumbled into another of the handful of nigh-inconceivable conversation opportunities which Twitter Spaces would offer me. Marquis Trill - someone I’m still not 100% convinced I actually remembered from the ~2012 Twitter Epoch - decided to just fuckin go on Spaces one day for the first time. And - as per the nature of Spaces - I guess I just hopped in the mf too.

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Road Rage of The Deep

Below is an excerpt from my just-republished 2019 Volkswagen Atlas Review detailing my singular encounter with capital-r Road Rage in the entirety of my ~year driving for Uber/Lyft.

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Champion's Online Review (GameTrack)

I’ve been trying GameTrack's premium tier for the past month and thought I should at least have one go at the review function… This isn’t actually substantial or useful in any way. You’re welcome. SO you want me to review Champion’s Online, virtually unprompted, in 2024, eh? Well, I loved and was very invested in Cryptic Studios at the time (see: Star Trek Online and Champions was already regarded - in a very misty-eyed, not very practical sense - reverently as very much their baby by the time I arrived in 2009.

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The Drywall Whiteboard

Last known capture of the Drywall Media/Extratone whiteboard, December 14 (Titanic Day,) 2016. He Carries His His - KOPN rimes Ninh Him DIE ANTWOORD -Paper Shredder ORSTERENCE ADSENSE BoxeR Children Ding RiOw what cao s NELLY -GRILLZ=arl. 1,ong9 Brave Litte Tuaste i Pimp my Ride - Весоте cultured MONSANTO Auplicitous

Too Much Freedom (Thread)

AMERICANS: FINALLY HAVE ENOUGH 'FREEDOM' YET? I am so fucking sick of Freedom. Freedom sucks. Freedom doesn't work. I'm tired of trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. PRISON would be refreshing!!! swap me out for a family of immigrants. it is long past my turn to serve some time. you are all screaming about how you feel your "Freedom of Expression" is in danger so much that it has become the entirety of what you have to express.

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Writing About Facebook is Overwhelming

still working on my post about Facebook. it's over 7500 words now... sorry. so far, I've used the word "Facebook" 135 times. I'm pretty sure I'll have it up before the end of the week. and then I will never have to write about Facebook again... 10,000 words now... I think I need to take a break. definitely should be able to wrap up, polish, and publish tomorrow. I COMPLETELY missed the Twitter hack.

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For God's Sake, Just Sit Down to Piss

Outline * Preface * Not necessarily directed at young men of color. (Or definitely not directed at them, but at white, CIS, straight young men.) * Describing the “real” scope of my authority. * While I have not traveled outside of America whatsoever, I have traveled within it fairly extensively. * My authority is especially strong when it comes to protestant Christianity. * Function of the book. * Chapter 1: “I Don’t Care What You/They Think”

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